Kasper, J.N. and Allard, M. 2001. Late-Holocene climatic changes as detected by the growth and decay of ice wedges on the southern shore of Hudson Strait, northern Québec, Canada. The Holocene 11: 563-577.
What was done
Ice wedges are a widespread and abundant form of ground ice in permafrost regions of the world that deform and crack the soil. During colder periods, ice wedge activity is enhanced, while in warmer periods it is minimized, thus providing a record of climate change. In this paper, the authors examined soil deformations from ice wedge activity as an indicator of permafrost and climate history over the past 4000 years near Salluit, northern Quebéc (approx. 62°N, 75.75°W).
What was learned
According to the authors, ice wedge activity was generally present up to about 140 A.D., reflecting cold climatic conditions. Between 140 and 1030 A.D., however, this activity generally decreased, reflective of warmer conditions. Then, from 1030 to 1500 A.D., conditions cooled; and from 1500 to 1900 A.D., ice wedge activity was at its peak, when the Little Ice Age ruled, suggesting that this climatic interval exhibited the coldest conditions of the past 4000 years. A warm period prevailed thereafter, from about 1900 to 1946, followed by a return to cold conditions during the last five decades of the 20th century, during which time over 90% of the ice wedges studied reactivated and grew upwards by 20-30 cm.
What it means
The resurgence of ice wedge activity in the latter half of the 20th century is not consistent with climate alarmist predictions of CO2-induced global warming. In fact, it is indicative of the exact opposite of their predictions. As noted by the authors, however, this finding is consistent with the real-world arctic cooling reported for this time period by Prysbylak (2000), as well as with a reported temperature decline of 1.1°C observed at the local meteorological station in Salluit.