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Center Experiment #2: Real-Time Results


Setup Directions

Real-Time Results

Final Results

Real-Time Results: Week 8

Figure 1Figures 1, 2 and 3 depict the current status of the plant in each biosphere that is located between the front side of the plastic pop bottle and the black felt material pressed against it.  The primary root length results look pretty much like what we had originally expected they would look like at this stage of the study; but the secondary root length and vine length data leave much to be desired.  Figure 2 The secondary root length of Bottle 5, for example, is clearly anomalous, as is the vine length of Bottle 3.  Nevertheless, one has to accept the results of one's experiments, unless there is some obvious defect in the study that can be identified.  Figure 3 At this stage, we can identify no certain defects in our experimental design; but we surmise that some roots of the plant in Bottle 5 may have pushed their way through the black felt and are growing in the gravel behind it, where we cannot see them.  As to why the vine length of the plant in Bottle 3 is so long, however, we haven't a clue.