Percent Dry Weight (Biomass) Increases for
300, 600 and 900 ppm Increases in the Air's CO2 Concentration:

For a more detailed description of this table, click here.

Regenerating longleaf pine community typical of early successional longleaf pine savannahs throughout the southeastern United States

300 ppm
600 ppm
900 ppm
 Number of Results
 Arithmetic Mean
 Standard Error

Individual Experiment Results

Journal References

Experimental Conditions
300 ppm
600 ppm
900 ppm

McCormack et al. (2010)

Total fine root length of identical mini-ecosystems -- each consisting of three longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) seedlings, three wiregrass (Aristida stricta) C4 grass plants, two sand post oak (Quercus margaretta) seedlings, one rattlebox (Croatalaria rotundifolia) C3 perennial herbaceous legume, and one butterfly weed (Asclepias tuberose) herbaceous C3 dicotyledonous perennial -- grown for three years under natural conditions in an outdoor soil bin at the National Soil Dynamics Laboratory in Auburn, Alabama (United States)



McCormack et al. (2010)

Total fungal rhizomorph length of identical mini-ecosystems -- each consisting of three longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) seedlings, three wiregrass (Aristida stricta) C4 grass plants, two sand post oak (Quercus margaretta) seedlings, one rattlebox (Croatalaria rotundifolia) C3 perennial herbaceous legume, and one butterfly weed (Asclepias tuberose) herbaceous C3 dicotyledonous perennial -- grown for three years under natural conditions in an outdoor soil bin at the National Soil Dynamics Laboratory in Auburn, Alabama (United States)



McCormack et al. (2010)

Total number of mycorrhizal root tips of identical mini-ecosystems -- each consisting of three longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) seedlings, three wiregrass (Aristida stricta) C4 grass plants, two sand post oak (Quercus margaretta) seedlings, one rattlebox (Croatalaria rotundifolia) C3 perennial herbaceous legume, and one butterfly weed (Asclepias tuberose) herbaceous C3 dicotyledonous perennial -- grown for three years under natural conditions in an outdoor soil bin at the National Soil Dynamics Laboratory in Auburn, Alabama (United States)



Runion et al. (2006)

Aboveground biomass of plants grown for three years in outdoor soil bins (2 m deep, 6 m wide, 76 m long) containing soil from a longleaf pine area and supplied with natural rainfall



Runion et al. (2006)

Belowground biomass of plants grown for three years in outdoor soil bins (2 m deep, 6 m wide, 76 m long) containing soil from a longleaf pine area and supplied with natural rainfall



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