300, 600 and 900 ppm Increases in the Air's CO2 Concentration:
For a more detailed description of this table, click here.
Betula platyphylla [Japanese White Birch]
300 ppm
600 ppm
900 ppm
Number of Results |
Arithmetic Mean |
Standard Error |
Experimental Conditions
300 ppm
600 ppm
900 ppm
Eguchi et al. (2008) |
Photosynthesis of two-year-old seedlings grown for an additional two years in a FACE study with infertile and immature volcanic ash (VA) soil
Eguchi et al. (2008) |
Photosynthesis of two-year-old seedlings grown for an additional two years in a FACE study with fertile brown forest (BF) soil
Hoshika et al. (2012) |
Photosynthesis of well watered and fertilized two-year-old seedlings grown from July to October out-of-doors in 7-L pots within open-top chambers in the Sapporo Experimental Forest of Hokkaido University in northern Japan without (-) 60 nmol O3 per mol air during daytime hours
Hoshika et al. (2012) |
Photosynthesis of well watered and fertilized two-year-old seedlings grown from July to October out-of-doors in 7-L pots within open-top chambers in the Sapporo Experimental Forest of Hokkaido University in northern Japan with (+) 60 nmol O3 per mol air during daytime hours
Kitao et al. (2005) |
Thirty-day-old leaves of two-year-old seedlings grown for 45 days in pots in a natural-daylight phytotron at a low soil nitrogen level (100 mg/plant)
Kitao et al. (2005) |
Thirty-day-old leaves of two-year-old seedlings grown for 45 days in pots in a natural-daylight phytotron at a high soil nitrogen level (700 mg/plant)
Kitao et al. (2007) |
Photosynthesis of one-year-old seedlings growing within a phytotron in 1.5-L pots filled with a clay loam soil mixed with pumice soil when WET (watered daily with 100 ml of water or nutrient solution)
Kitao et al. (2007) |
Photosynthesis of one-year-old seedlings growing within a phytotron in 1.5-L pots filled with a clay loam soil mixed with pumice soil when DRY (watered weekly with 100 ml of nutrient solution)
Mao et al. (2005) |
Two-year old seedlings grown in controlled environment chambers for 7 weeks under low nitrogen conditions