Percent Photosynthesis (Net CO2 Exchange Rate) Increases for
300, 600 and 900 ppm Increases in the Air's CO2 Concentration:

For a more detailed description of this table, click here.

Poa pratensis L. [Kentucky Bluegrass]

300 ppm
600 ppm
900 ppm
 Number of Results
 Arithmetic Mean
 Standard Error

Individual Experiment Results

Journal References

Experimental Conditions
300 ppm
600 ppm
900 ppm

Crous et al. (2010)

Photosynthesis of plants growing in the sixth through ninth year of the BioCON FACE Experiment in Central Minnesota (USA) under conditions of chronically low levels of nitrogen addition in a nutrient-poor prairie grassland



Ellsworth et al. (2004)

Plants grown under natural conditions for three years in a FACE study



Nie et al. (1992)

Closed-top chambers in field in 2nd year of study



Song and Huang (2014)

Photosynthesis of second and third most-recently-expanded well watered and fertilized Kentucky bluegrass (cv. Baron) leaves of plants growing in pots filled with fritted clay, which they transferred to growth chambers where the potted plants were maintained in air of either 400 or 800 ppm CO2 concentration and subjected to a day/night temperature regime of 25/22°C



Song and Huang (2014)

Photosynthesis of second and third most-recently-expanded well watered and fertilized Kentucky bluegrass (cv. Baron) leaves of plants growing in pots filled with fritted clay, which they transferred to growth chambers where the potted plants were maintained in air of either 400 or 800 ppm CO2 concentration and subjected to a day/night temperature regime of 30/27 °C



Song and Huang (2014)

Photosynthesis of second and third most-recently-expanded well watered and fertilized Kentucky bluegrass (cv. Baron) leaves of plants growing in pots filled with fritted clay, which they transferred to growth chambers where the potted plants were maintained in air of either 400 or 800 ppm CO2 concentration and subjected to a day/night temperature regime of 35/32°C



Van den Berge et al. (2011)

Photosynthesis of well-watered and fertilized mixed grassland plants growing in controlled-environment chambers at the University of Antwerp, Wilrijk, Belgium, under current climate (temperature and CO2 concentration) conditions and future climate (current T + 3°C, current CO2 + 230 ppm) conditions with no abnormal soil pollution



Zhuang et al. (2019)

Net photosynthesis of plants grown in controlled environment chambers after 42 days under well-watered (250 mL of daily irrigation water) and non-salinity-stressed conditions (0 mM NaCl); cv Kenblue



Zhuang et al. (2019)

Net photosynthesis of plants grown in controlled environment chambers after 42 days under well-watered (250 mL of daily irrigation water) and salinity-stressed conditions (200 mM NaCl); cv Kenblue



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