How does rising atmospheric CO2 affect marine organisms?

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Volume 17 Number 31:  30 July 2014

Millennial-Scale Climate Variability During the Holocene: What might have been its cause? ... and what likely was not its cause?

Subject Index Summary
Stomatal Conductance (Agricultural Crops): When the air's CO2 content rises, most plants respond by reducing their leaves' stomatal apertures, through which water vapor exits and carbon dioxide enters during transpiration and photosynthesis, respectively, because with more CO2 in the air, plants don't need to open their stomates as wide as they do at lower atmospheric CO2 concentrations to allow for sufficient inward diffusion of CO2 for use in photosynthesis. And as a result, plants typically exhibit significant reductions in transpirational water loss and smaller yield losses due to the indiscriminate uptake of aerial pollutants, leading to increases in water-use efficiency.

Journal Reviews
Can Earth's Two Hemispheres Get Their Climatic Act Together?: Their failure to do so may have significant implications for earth's climatic future.

The Modeling of Low-Frequency Rainfall Variability: How close do general circulation models come to matching what is observed in nature?

Simulations of Mediterranean and Northern Africa Precipitation: How well do CMIP5 simulations compare with what is known about the subject?

Carbon-Nitrogen Cycle Models of Forest Responses to Elevated CO2: How well do they represent reality?

A Real-Life Non-Calcifying Anthozoan-Symbiodinium Symbiosis: How does it respond to manipulated ocean acidification conditions?

Crops vs. Weeds at the Northern Edges of Their Current Ranges: Which prevails? ... the crops or the weeds?