How does rising atmospheric CO2 affect marine organisms?

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Volume 5 Number 12:  20 March 2002

Temperature Record of the Week
This issue's Temperature Record of the week is from Green River, Wyoming. Visit our U.S. Climate Data section to plot and view these data for yourself.

Current Editorial
CO2 and Coral Calcification: Is the Tide of Pessimism About to Turn?: Sometimes we wonder why we even bother to ask such questions; for reality seems to be of so little concern to the political forces arrayed against the burning of fossil fuels.  CO2 is the devil incarnate to them and can do only bad for the biosphere.  Fortunately, earth's many lifeforms - including its incredible coral reefs - continue to defy nearly all of their dismal predictions.

Subject Index Summaries
Aerosols (Non-Biological - Natural): Plain old dust, blowin' in the wind.  It just doesn't sound very exciting.  Yet what we don't know about it may well have tremendous implications for both global climate and earth's coral reefs.

Trees (Types - Pine): A summary of some of the recently published literature suggests that increases in the air's CO2 content will enhance photosynthetic rates and biomass production in economically and socially important pine trees.

Carbon Sequestration Commentary
Will Forest Carbon Sink Capacity Fade Away as Trees Age?: Climate alarmists would have us believe that forests will only function as significant carbon sinks while they are young and vigorous.  Real-world data, however, suggest this model-based "age discrimination" is without much merit.  In fact, the measurements show it's flat out wrong.

Current Journal Reviews
Human Activities Predispose Corals to Deadly Disease: Evidence supportive of our hypothesis that the ever-increasing intensity of local human activities predisposes corals to disease-induced mortality continues to accumulate.

The Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age in the Eastern Mediterranean: The evidence continues to accumulate.  The Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age were real, climatically-significant, several-hundred-year, global events that were correctly reported in earlier publications of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, but which have been "homogenized," i.e., made to disappear, in the most recent of the IPCC's reports, due to the unremitting embarrassment they provide for proponents of CO2-induced global warming.

Elevated CO2 and Water Use in Mature Scots Pine Trees: Elevated CO2 concentrations reduced cumulative sap flow and, by implication, cumulative water-use in mature Scots pine trees growing at ambient air temperatures.

Effects of Four Years of Elevated CO2 on Loblolly Pine Seedlings: Photosynthetic Rates and Biomass Production: Loblolly pine seedlings exposed to an extra 300 ppm of atmospheric CO2 displayed consistently higher rates of photosynthesis than ambiently-grown seedlings and attained much greater biomass values.

Elevated CO2 Increases Border-Cell Production in Pea Roots: In an experiment with pea seedlings, elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations increased the production of root border cells, which are responsible for facilitating exudations from roots in most agronomic crops.