How does rising atmospheric CO2 affect marine organisms?

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Volume 5 Number 26:  26 June 2002

Temperature Record of the Week
This issue's Temperature Record of the week is from University, Mississippi. Visit our U.S. Climate Data section to plot and view these data for yourself.

Current Editorial
A Pitiable Ploy to Promote the Kyoto Protocol: The Predicted Demise of Earth's Coral Reefs: In a recent article in Science magazine, Brian C. O'Neill and Michael Oppenheimer urge immediate implementation of the Kyoto Protocol to prevent what they view as the three most dangerous biospheric impacts of global warming.  We here discuss the first of their trio of planetary meltdown scenarios, exposing the flaws in their specious arguments.

Subject Index Summaries
Agriculture (Species -- Maize & Peas): A brief review of some of the recently published literature suggests that increases in the air's CO2 content will enhance photosynthetic rates, biomass production and water-use efficiency in maize and pea plants.

Floods (North America): Will floods become more severe and more frequent in response to global warming, as climate alarmists say they will?  Some insight into this question is provided by another question that can be answered with real-world data: Has flooding in North America intensified in response to the post-Little Ice Age warming of the globe?

Carbon Sequestration Commentary
Global Warming Will Not Cause the Release of Great Quantities of Carbon from Forest Soils: Proposals to rely on new and old forests to remove large amounts of CO2 from the atmosphere and sequester its carbon in the soils in which they grow have met with stiff resistance from many who falsely claim that global warming will actually turn the proposed carbon sources into carbon sinks.  We thus review several recent studies that should once-and-for-all put this bugaboo to rest.

Current Journal Reviews
Simulating El Niņo: How Are the Models Doing?: Probably as well as they're doing everything else ... and that is not an endorsement of them.

Late-Holocene Sea Surface Temperatures of the North Icelandic Shelf: They paint a revealing picture of how much the climate has deteriorated since the time of the Roman Warm Period ... and how much we have yet to warm to return to the "good old days."

Four Centuries of ENSO Activity Reconstructed From Coral ð18O Data: The results of an important new study essentially put to rest all claims that the heightened ENSO activity of the past two decades is due to global warming.

Response of Potato Plants to Elevated CO2: Elevated CO2 increased rates of photosynthesis and growth in potato, but only during a brief stage of plant development.  Did this transient phenomenon have any impact on final tuber yield?

Effects of Elevated Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations on Butterfly Development: Will they be positive or negative?  Or neutral?