How does rising atmospheric CO2 affect marine organisms?

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Volume 5 Number 30:  24 July 2002

Temperature Record of the Week
This issue's Temperature Record of the week is from Kanab, Utah. Visit our U.S. Climate Data section to plot and view these data for yourself.

Current Editorial
Polar Ice Sheets and Global Sea Level: How Well Can We Predict the Future?: Would you believe extremely well?  Moderately well?  Less-than-sufficiently well?  An expert in the field provides his professional analysis of the subject.  We don't think it will surprise you ... unless, of course, your previous exposure to the topic has been provided solely by climate alarmists.

Subject Index Summaries
Droughts (Solar-Induced): Climate alarmists are always associating droughts with high temperatures, so they can claim that rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations are responsible for both phenomena.  However, just as earth's temperature appears to be more closely related to the activity of the sun than anything else, so too does the balance of evidence suggest the same with respect to drought.

Transpiration: A brief review of some of the recently published literature suggests that increases in the air's CO2 content will reduce transpirational water losses from much of earth's vegetation.

Carbon Sequestration Commentary
Enriching the Air with CO2 Enables Plants to Sequester Carbon at Higher Temperatures Than They Do Currently: Like the elixir of life that it truly is, atmospheric CO2 - in greater abundance than what we enjoy today - enables plants to better withstand the physiological ravages of high-temperature stress that are a common occurrence for nearly all plants at one time or another in their various life cycles, either seasonally or diurnally.  And by keeping plants going and growing under these stressful circumstances, elevated levels of atmospheric CO2 enable them to continue removing CO2 from the atmosphere and preparing it for eventual storage in the soils in which they grow.

Current Journal Reviews
Spatial Heterogeneity in Annual Mass Accumulation on the Greenland Ice Sheet: This not-unexpected phenomenon masks the overall history of the mass balance of the Greenland Ice Sheet and makes it extremely difficult to determine how it may hare responded to the warming of the past two centuries.

Cloud Carbon Content: Several anthropogenic-produced organic carbon compounds that have the capacity to enhance the cooling power of clouds are identified, quantified and shown to be linearly related to the black carbon concentration of cloud water.

Six Thousand Years of Sea Level Rise and Storm Activity in the Chukchi Sea: What horrors do the data portend for the planet?

Elevated CO2 and Plant Water Relations - A Review: How do elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations affect plant water relations in water-limited environments?  This is the question explored by a recent review of the scientific literature.

Effects of Super-Elevated CO2 on Mint and Thyme: Most plants respond positively to a doubling, tripling or quadrupling of the air's CO2 content.  But what about huge CO2 increases?  In this study, researchers investigated the growth responses of two garden herbs to a CO2 concentration of 1%, which is approximately 27 times greater than the current concentration of the atmosphere.