How does rising atmospheric CO2 affect marine organisms?

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Volume 5 Number 42:  16 October 2002

Temperature Record of the Week
This issue's Temperature Record of the week is from Lampasas, Texas. Visit our U.S. Climate Data section to plot and view these data for yourself.

Current Editorial
Protein Power: Much Ado About a Gram or Two: It has recently been suggested that observed decreases in the nitrogen concentrations of some seed crops growing in higher-than-normal atmospheric CO2 concentrations may require us to eat more of those grains and their derivatives in a future high-CO2 world in order to get the amount of protein we require.  Is this really so?

Subject Index Summaries
Medieval Warm Period (Asia): Climate alarmists would like you to believe there never was a Medieval Warm Period, as its existence refutes their contention that the last two decades of the 20th century were (1) the warmest of the past millennium and (2) CO2-induced.  But climate history cannot be hid forever, as we begin to demonstrate with this review.

Interaction of CO2 and Light on Plant Growth: Sometimes people claim that the aerial fertilization effect of atmospheric CO2 enrichment will be reduced or non-existent when environmental conditions conducive to robust growth are less than optimal.  We here evaluate that claim with respect to light intensity.

Carbon Sequestration Commentary
CO2 and Nitrogen Effects on Soil Carbon Sequestration: The Whole is Often Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts: In prior carbon sequestration commentaries, we have discussed how atmospheric CO2 enrichment and nitrogen deposition each tend to enhance the capacities of earth's soils to capture and store carbon.  In this essay, we look at what happens when both phenomena occur at the same time.

Current Journal Reviews
More Reasons to Question the Veracity of the Global Surface Air Temperature Record: A new study of the nature of the increasing divergence of the surface and tropospheric air temperature records of the last two decades of the 20th century points to the likelihood of the surface air temperature record being significantly in error.

A 4000-year Pollen History from Peru: Four major climate epochs that climate revisionists would have us ignore are identified in this South American proxy climate record.

Post-Little Ice Age Histories of Four Icelandic Glaciers: A study of lowly lichens in the paths of four Northern Icelandic glaciers reveals that two of them have not been in continuous retreat since the supposed end of the Little Ice Age.  In fact, one of them has actually experienced recent periods of significant expansion.

Effects of Elevated CO2 on Drought Tolerance Characteristics of Mediterranean Shrubs: Mediterranean woody plants are thought to be particularly sensitive to potential global warming, due to their inability to avoid summer droughts.  A study conducted near Pisa, Italy thus attempts to determine if the direct biological impacts of atmospheric CO2 enrichment have the ability to mitigate this situation.

Root Responses of a California Annual Grassland to Elevated CO2: There's more to the elevated-CO2 response of these signature ecosystems of California's Mediterranean-type climate than what meets the eye.