How does rising atmospheric CO2 affect marine organisms?

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Volume 6 Number 32:  6 August 2003

Temperature Record of the Week
This issue's Temperature Record of the week is from Albert Lea, Minnesota. Visit our U.S. Climate Data section to plot and view these data for yourself.

Major Report
The Specter of Species Extinction: Will Global Warming Decimate Earth's Biosphere?: Read or download the first of a series of major reports we plan to produce on topics related to the ongoing rise in the air's CO2 content.  Our first report -- The Specter of Species Extinction -- asks in its subtitle Will Global Warming Decimate Earth's Biosphere?  Climate alarmists say yes.  We suggest just the opposite..

Diffuse Light: A Powerful Promoter of Photosynthesis: A new study provides important evidence for the validity of a strong, biologically-mediated, climate-stabilizing, negative-feedback phenomenon we proposed a couple of years ago

Subject Index Summaries
Medieval Warm Period (Arctic): In our continuing survey of regional expressions of the Medieval Warm Period, we turn in this Subject Index Summary to the Arctic, where much of the evidence for the reality of this multi-century warm period originated.

Carbon Sequestration (Peatlands): For many years, it was nearly universally believed by the scientific community that CO2-induced global warming would lead to the thawing of extensive regions of permafrost, the exposure and subsequent decomposition of their vast stores of organic matter, and the release the soil's tightly-held carbon, which would flood the air with CO2 and exacerbate global warming.  For many years the scientific community was nearly universally wrong.

Journal Reviews
The Millennial-Scale Oscillation of Climate: What do we know about this important phenomenon that has most recently expressed itself through the modest warming of the 20th century?

Destructive Windstorms of the Canadian Prairie: After a century of rising temperatures that have so frightened the Canadian government that it has signed a treaty designed to reign in excessive global warming and its awful consequences, the people unfortunate enough to actually live on the prairie must surely be seeing some destructive acts of nature nowadays.  Just how bad have things become?

The Rising Economic Impact of U.S. Weather Extremes: Are they due to actual increases in extreme weather events, as suggested by most climate models?  Or are they due to societal changes that are totally unrelated to weather trends?

Effects of Nitrogen Fertilization on Methane Emissions from Rice: Does N fertilization of rice result in greater or lesser emissions of methane to the atmosphere?  The answer to this question could be of great importance in light of methane's significant global warming potential and the need to grow ever more rice as the human population of the planet continues to increase.

Prairie Community Response to Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment: Do elevated levels of atmospheric CO2 impact the species richness of prairie ecosystems?