How does rising atmospheric CO2 affect marine organisms?

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Volume 6 Number 51:  17 December 2003

Temperature Record of the Week
This issue's Temperature Record of the week is from Detroit Lakes, Minnesota. Visit our U.S. Climate Data section to plot and view these data for yourself.

The Cloud-Climate Conundrum: Can it ever be solved?  And if so, when? … and at what cost?

Subject Index Summaries
Rapid Climate Change (Thermohaline Circulation): Do ocean currents hold the key to hemispheric warming and cooling, as suggested by Ruhlemann et al. (1999)?  And if they do, can they be altered to any significant degree by continued anthropogenic CO2 emissions?

Low Temperature Tolerance: Do higher levels of atmospheric CO2 have any effect upon the frost hardiness or low temperature tolerance of plants?

Journal Reviews
On the Use of Borehole Temperatures to Deduce Earth's Climatic History: How good is this approach to reconstructing surface air temperature values over the past millennium, and what does it tell us about the ongoing controversy over the nature of late-20th century warming?

Historical Context of the 1998 Coral Bleaching Event: Just how unique was this supposedly "unprecedented" marine biological experience that saw many corals throughout the world's oceans suffer various degrees of bleaching?

Vegetative Propagation of Aspen Clones in CO2-Enriched Air: Growing them in greenhouses with elevated concentrations of atmospheric CO2 prior to out-planting in agroforestry and afforestation projects can provide the boost they need to better survive the rigors of the outdoor environment.

Effects of Elevated CO2 and O3 on Tree-Herbivore-Parasite Interactions: A complex multi-trophic-level FACE study of a quaking aspen ecosystem exposed to tropospheric ozone and carbon dioxide levels predicted for the year 2050 reveals the importance of allowing the air's CO2 content to rise unimpeded by counterproductive CO2 emissions restrictions.

Insect Herbivores in a CO2-Enriched Warmer World: Surely they will have a rough time of it, struggling to adapt to temperatures far in excess of those to which their predecessors were accustomed, as well as being forced to dine on foliage of considerably lower quality than that which was their species' standard fare for untold generations past.  Right?