How does rising atmospheric CO2 affect marine organisms?

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Volume 7 Number 50:  15 December 2004

Temperature Record of the Week
This issue's Temperature Record of the week is from Burkes Garden, Virginia. Visit our U.S. Climate Data section to plot and view these data for yourself.

More Problems for the Mann et al. Temperature Record: Studies of palaeoclimate records of many sorts from many places bear witness to the falsity of the Mann et al. global temperature record, while at the same time providing evidence for a millennial-scale oscillation of climate that periodically produces multi-century periods of warmth, such as the current Modern Warm Period, independent of whatever the air's CO2 content may be doing simultaneously.  Here is one such study that is very compelling and has a slightly different twist to it.

Subject Index Summaries
Dust (Climatological Implications): What we don't know about the subject far outweighs what we do know, even after many years of study.

Dust (Biological Implications): Air currents are capable of transporting large amounts of dust over great distances, including across seas and from one continent to another.  Hitching a ride upon these inanimate mineral particles, as well as interspersed among them in the fluidic turmoil of the atmosphere, are a wide variety of fungal spores and other biologically significant materials that can - and do! - periodically wreck havoc upon faraway ecosystems.

Journal Reviews
The Omnipresent Eleven-Year Solar Cycle in Tropospheric Temperature Data: It's evident everywhere!

Effects of Global Warming on Tropical Cyclones: Predicted and Observed: How does global warming impact the characteristics of tropical cyclones?  One answer is provided by theoretical predictions, another by real-world observations; and to date, the twain have yet to meet.

Elevated CO2 Pumps Up Water Use Efficiency of Mesquite Seedlings: Producing way more biomass per unit of water transpired in CO2-enriched air than they do in ambient air, velvet mesquite seedlings of semiarid regions make the soil moisture in their root zones last longer, which phenomenon may help them survive periodic dry spells that could cause their death in ambient air.

Soil Microbial Diversity in a CO2-Enriched Grassland: Is the species richness of the microbial communities of grassland soils in any way threatened by the ongoing rise in the air's CO2 content?

Temperature Effects on Hospital Admissions for Cardiovascular and Respiratory Problems in Greece: Which is more to be feared if one is worried about these particular health problems: warmer temperatures or colder temperatures? ... and is Greece any different from the rest of the world in this regard?