How does rising atmospheric CO2 affect marine organisms?

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Volume 8 Number 15:  13 April 2005

Temperature Record of the Week
This issue's Temperature Record of the week is from Frankfort, Kentucky. Visit our U.S. Climate Data section to plot and view these data for yourself.

Will Farming Destroy Wild Nature?: Is there enough room on the planet for humanity and nature to peacefully coexist?  Will things get tougher in the future?  How does energy policy impact the issue?

Subject Index Summaries
Temperature (Urbanization Effects - Asia): Is there any substantial real-world evidence that the global surface air temperature record of the past few decades is heavily biased towards warming due to an intensification of the urban heat island effect?  Data from Asia provide an affirmative answer.

Stomatal Density (Response to CO2 - Herbaceous Plants): How does the stomatal density of the leaves of herbaceous plants respond to changes in atmospheric CO2 concentration?

Journal Reviews
The Little Ice Age and Medieval Warm Period in Inner Mongolia: Yes, they really occurred there; and the Medieval Warm Period was judged to have been warmer than the Modern Warm Period.

Coastal Storms of the North Atlantic Basin: How have they varied over the past century or so?

Carbon Sequestration by Coastal Marshes: How do rates of carbon sequestration by coastal ecosystems compare to those of forests and crop lands?  What do the results imply about potential global warming?

CO2 Effects on Fine Roots of Ponderosa Pine Trees: What are they?  And what do they imply about the future wellbeing of these trees?

Coral Disease and the Presence of Macroalgae: Which comes first?