How does rising atmospheric CO2 affect marine organisms?

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Volume 9 Number 24:  14 June 2006

Temperature Record of the Week
This issue's Temperature Record of the week is from Laramie, WY.  Visit our U.S. Climate Data section to plot and view these data for yourself.

Earth's Terrestrial Environment is Becoming "More Like a Gardener's Greenhouse": Decades of data from many places in the Northern Hemisphere, and now also Australia, indicate that the planet's terrestrial environment is becoming less arid and, therefore, more conducive to productive plant growth.

Medieval Warm Period Record of the Week
This issue's Level 1 Medieval Warm Period Record of the Week is from the Central Scandinavian Mountains of Sweden.  To access the entire Medieval Warm Period Project's database, click here.

Subject Index Summary
Medieval Warm Period (Solar Influence - Other): Many different types of measurements testify to the reality of the Medieval Warm Period and the role of variable solar activity in both its genesis and demise.

Journal Reviews
Solar-Induced Warming Over the 20th Century: How great was it?

Trends in Daily Temperature Extremes: 1951-2003: How do changes in daily minimums compare with changes in daily maximums? And what are the implications of the comparison?

Climatic Fluctuations Recorded in a Southeastern France Coastal Lagoon: Do they reveal anything about the Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age?

The Common Lizard's Response to Predictions of Impending Mass Extinctions Due to Habitat Changes Driven by Global Warming: Via an amazing suite of physical adaptations, the lowly lizard shows its contempt for the politically-correct orthodoxy.

Responses of Three Generations of Cotton Bollworms Feeding on Wheat Grown in Air of Ambient and Double-Ambient CO2 Concentration: What are the responses? ... and how do they change from one generation to the next?