Material in this section originates from the following categories in our Subject Index:
Animals (Birds)
Birds (General)
Material preceded by an asterisk (*) was posted after this subject summary was written and therefore is not included in the summary. This material will be integrated into the summary at a later date.
* -- Environmental Influences on Bird Body Size and Condition
* -- A Warming Climate Enhances Bird Reproduction in Finland
* -- Thermoregulation of Bird Body Temperature by Reflecting Near-infrared Radiation
* -- Bird Behavioral Modifications to Ensure Reproductive Success
* -- Canada Geese Plastically Adjust Their Egg Laying Date to Spring Temperature
* -- Three Decades of Winter Bird Abundances in Russia
* -- Global Warming Enhances the Breeding Success of Two Boreal Forest Grouse
* -- Recent Stability of Bird Populations in the Pacific Northwest, USA
* -- Climate Warming Improves the Breeding Productivity of a European Bird
* -- Spring and Autumn Migrations of Long-Distance-Flying Birds
* -- How a Small Afrotropical Bird May Respond to Global Warming
* -- Double Broodedness of Important Bird Species of Central Poland
* -- How Birds Regulate their Body Temperatures as Climates Warm
* -- Two Decades of Changing Bird Abundances on Mt. Kilimanjaro
* -- Warming Enhances Survival of a Migratory Bird of South Africa
* -- Thermal Refugia for Birds Inhabiting the Southern Kalahari Desert
* -- Rock Ptarmigan Demonstrate How to Beat the Heat by Avoiding It
* -- Birds Evolving Tolerance to Avian Malaria in Hawai'i
* -- A Climate-Change-Induced Phenological Mismatch in a Wild Bird
* -- Plastic Responses of an Arid-Zone Passerine to Summer Warming
* -- A Phenological Mismatch Between a Wild Bird and Its Food Source
* -- Changes in Avian Migration Timing: Phenotypic Plasticity or Microevolution?
* -- Trophic Mismatches of Five Seabirds and Their Piscivorous Prey
* -- Little Auks of the Arctic: Can They Handle a Big Climate Change?
* -- The Winds of Climate Change: Altering Albatross Life-History Traits
* -- Global Warming, Graminoid Grasses, and the Grazing Geese of Greenland
* -- Food Demand and Availability for a Bird -- the Willow Tit -- of Northern Finland
* -- Responses of Black Grouse in the French Alps to Global Warming
* -- Flexibility in Destination Choice in Long-Distance Migratory Birds
* -- Breeding and Feeding Cycles in Great and Blue Tits
* -- Flocks of Birds Coping with Climate Change
* -- Breeding Birds and Wind Farms
* -- Trees, Caterpillars, Birds and Climate
* -- Birds of the Italian Alps: Their Response to Recent Warming
* -- Global Warming vs. Other Causes of Shifts in Bird Ranges
* -- Bird Biodiversity in China
* -- Alaskan Trumpeter Swans in a Warming World
* -- Accelerated Warming Accelerates Skylark Migrations
* -- How Birds React to Climate Change in a Primeval Temperate Forest
* -- Finnish Bird Responses to Global Warming
* -- British and Irish Seabirds
* -- Responses of the Great Reed Warbler to Global Warming
* -- Changes in the Ranges of European Wading Birds
* -- How Does Climate Change Affect the Ranges of European Birds?
* -- Double Brooding in Tree Swallows
* -- Species Richness in a Central European Bird Community
* -- North American Birds in a Warming World
* -- The Future of Earth's Terrestrial Birds
* -- Birds and Global Warming: Reed Warbler
* -- Rising Temperatures and the Red-Backed Shrike
* -- European Birds Refuse to Respond to Warming as Climate Alarmists Say They Should
* -- Mediterranean Temperatures and Spring Arrival Dates of Migrating Birds in Spain
* -- Birds in Finland Respond to Global Warming
* -- The Timing of North American Spring and Autumn Bird Migrations
* -- Biological Impacts of Increasing Sea Ice in Baffin Bay and Adjacent Waters
* -- The "Beginning of the End" of the Little Ice Age: The Serin Speaks
* -- Responses of Great and Blue Tits to Regional Warming
The Medieval Warm Period in Greenland
Back from the Jaws of Extinction (Or What a Difference a Degree Makes!)
Some Birds Like It El Niņo Hot!
Penguins and Climate Change: Some Like It (Relatively) Hot
The Invasion of Honey Mesquite in the Southwestern U.S.
Bird and Mammal Range Expansions Courtesy of Increasing Temperatures
The Opposing Impacts of Intensified Human Activities