Progressive Nitrogen Limitation Hypothesis (Grasslands)
Material in this section originates from the following categories in our Subject Index:
Nitrogen (Progressive Limitation Hypothesis: Grasslands)
* -- The Relationship Between CO2-induced Plant Growth Stimulation and Nitrogen Acquisition
* -- CO2 Enrichment Effects on Soil Nitrogen: Positive or Negative?
* -- Growth Enhancement Due to Elevated CO2 in a Semi-Arid Grassland
CO2 Effects on Grassland Soil Microorganisms
Aggrading Ecosystems Require More Nitrogen ... and Find It
The Role of Soil Nitrogen in Perennial Grassland Response to Elevated CO2
Response of a Nutrient-Poor Low-Productivity Calcareous Grassland to Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment
Determining the Growth Response of Trees to Elevated CO2:
The Need for Long-Term Experiments