Material in this section originates from the following categories in our Subject Index:
Range Expansion (Herbaceous Plants)
* -- Four Decades of Species Range Change of Sinai's High-Mountain Flora
* -- A 145-year Continent-wide Increase in Mountain-top Species Richness
* -- Current Plant Distributions Fail to Represent their Potential Ranges
* -- Plant Species Shifting Downslope in Response to Climate Warming
* -- Grass Surviving Drought with a Little Help from Its Fungal Friend
* -- Impacts of Warming and Cooling Trends on Swedish Alpine Flora
* -- Fine-Tuning the Spatial Distributions of Species' Thermal Habitats
* -- U.S. Climate Change and Its 20th-Century Biological Consequences
* -- Real-World Species Range-Shifts in Response to Regional Warming
* -- Plant Species' Range Shifts in Mountainous Areas
* -- Do Plants in Mountainous Areas Always Migrate Uphill in Response to Warming?
* -- Why Plants Sometimes Migrate Downhill as Temperatures Rise
* -- Vascular Plant Richness on Mountain Summits of Southern Norway
* -- The Odds of Arctic Lichens Surviving Dramatic Global Warming
Impacts of Warming on Reproductive Output of a Forest Herb
Wind-Driven Dispersal of Seeds and Pollen
Plant Responses to Recent Warming in the Southern Alps
Global Warming and Ecosystem Species Richness
Upward-Migrating Plants in the Swiss Alps
Response of a C3 Forb to Elevated Atmospheric CO2 and Nocturnal Air Temperature