How does rising atmospheric CO2 affect marine organisms?

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Material in this section originates from the following categories in our Subject Index:

Hydrologic Cycle (Runoff)

Material preceded by an asterisk (*) was posted after this subject summary was written and therefore is not included in the summary.  This material will be integrated into the summary at a later date.


* -- Six Centuries of River Runoff in the Yangtze River Basin

* -- A Half-Millennial Record of Rainfall and Runoff in Northwest Australia

* -- The Global Warming-Global Runoff Connection

* -- One Hundred and Fifty Years of U.S. Gulf Coast Hydroclimatology

* -- Water-Year Runoff of the Conterminous United States: 1900-2008

* -- Shrubs, Runoff and Erosion in Arctic Alaska Foothills

* -- Water Runoff from Europe's Upper Rhine River Basin

* -- The Next Ninety Years of Terrestrial Hydrological Activity in China

* -- Rising CO2 Concentrations and Global Freshwater Resources

* -- Timing of Snowmelt Runoff in the Western United States

* -- Hydrological and Agricultural Responses of China's Loess Plateau to Predicted Climate Change

* -- River Runoff: The Effect of Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment

* -- Recent Runoff Trends of Major World Rivers

A Century of Baltic Sea Hydrographic Data

Looking for Evidence of Global Warming in Asia-Pacific River Runoff Data

A Solar-Influenced Little Ice Age and Medieval Warm Period in Tropical Venezuela

Soil Erosion Rates in the Upper Mississippi River Valley

Rocky Mountain High: Ecological and Hydrological Effects of Increases in Atmospheric CO2 and Air Temperature

Rising Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations Reduce Soil Erosion: Lessons for the New Millennium

Modeling Natural vs. Human-Induced Climate Change