How does rising atmospheric CO2 affect marine organisms?

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Igaliku Fjord, South Greenland
Jensen, K.G., Kuijpers, A., Koç, N. and Heinemeier, J. 2004. Diatom evidence of hydrographic changes and ice concentrations in Igaliku Fjord, South Greenland, during the past 1500 years. The Holocene 14: 152-164.

The authors conducted biostratigraphic diatom analyses on two ocean sediment cores retrieved from Igaliku Fjord (~60.95°N, 45.37°W), south Greenland, to obtain a record of changes in the hydrography and sea ice of the region during the late Holocene. Major cold and warm periods were evidenced in the subfossil diatom assemblages of the two cores, including a cold and presumably moist regime between AD 500 and 700 (Dark Ages Cold Period), a warm period with higher water temperatures and reduced sea ice between AD 800 and 1250 (Medieval Warm Period), a cold Little Ice Age between 1580 and 1850, and the Current Warm Period from 1850 to the present.