Percent Dry Weight (Biomass) Increases for
300, 600 and 900 ppm Increases in the Air's CO2 Concentration:

For a more detailed description of this table, click here.

Betula papyrifera Marsh. [Paper Birch]

300 ppm
600 ppm
900 ppm
 Number of Results
 Arithmetic Mean
 Standard Error

Individual Experiment Results

Journal References

Experimental Conditions
300 ppm
600 ppm
900 ppm

Ambebe and Dang (2010)

Total biomass of eight-week-old plants grown in pots containing a 1:1 mix of peat and vermiculite at low water content (30-40% of field capacity) within CO2-controlled greenhouses at low soil temperatures (T = 5°C for the first month and 7°C for the second month)



Ambebe and Dang (2010)

Total biomass of eight-week-old plants grown in pots containing a 1:1 mix of peat and vermiculite at low water content (30-40% of field capacity) within CO2-controlled greenhouses at medium soil temperatures (T = 15°C for the first month and 17°C for the second month)



Ambebe and Dang (2010)

Total biomass of eight-week-old plants grown in pots containing a 1:1 mix of peat and vermiculite at low water content (30-40% of field capacity) within CO2-controlled greenhouses at high soil temperatures (T = 25°C for the first month and 27°C for the second month)



Ambebe and Dang (2010)

Total biomass of eight-week-old plants grown in pots containing a 1:1 mix of peat and vermiculite at medium water content (45-55% of field capacity) within CO2-controlled greenhouses at low soil temperatures (T = 5°C for the first month and 7°C for the second month)



Ambebe and Dang (2010)

Total biomass of eight-week-old plants grown in pots containing a 1:1 mix of peat and vermiculite at medium water content (45-55% of field capacity) within CO2-controlled greenhouses at medium soil temperatures (T = 15°C for the first month and 17°C for the second month)



Ambebe and Dang (2010)

Total biomass of eight-week-old plants grown in pots containing a 1:1 mix of peat and vermiculite at medium water content (45-55% of field capacity) within CO2-controlled greenhouses at high soil temperatures (T = 25°C for the first month and 27°C for the second month)



Ambebe and Dang (2010)

Total biomass of eight-week-old plants grown in pots containing a 1:1 mix of peat and vermiculite at high water content (60-70% of field capacity) within CO2-controlled greenhouses at low soil temperatures (T = 5°C for the first month and 7°C for the second month)



Ambebe and Dang (2010)

Total biomass of eight-week-old plants grown in pots containing a 1:1 mix of peat and vermiculite at high water content (60-70% of field capacity) within CO2-controlled greenhouses at medium soil temperatures (T = 15°C for the first month and 17°C for the second month)



Ambebe and Dang (2010)

Total biomass of eight-week-old plants grown in pots containing a 1:1 mix of peat and vermiculite at high water content (60-70% of field capacity) within CO2-controlled greenhouses at high soil temperatures (T = 25°C for the first month and 27°C for the second month)



Bazzaz et al. (1990)

1-L pots in a greenhouse



Berntson and Bazzaz (1996)




Cao et al. (2008)

Well watered six-week-old seedlings subsequently grown for 90 more days in a 1:1 peat:vermiculite mixture in PVC containers (21 cm high x 20.8 cm in top diameter) at a soil nitrogen (N) level of: 10 mg N/L



Cao et al. (2008)

Well watered six-week-old seedlings subsequently grown for 90 more days in a 1:1 peat:vermiculite mixture in PVC containers (21 cm high x 20.8 cm in top diameter) at a soil nitrogen (N) level of: 80 mg N/L



Cao et al. (2008)

Well watered six-week-old seedlings subsequently grown for 90 more days in a 1:1 peat:vermiculite mixture in PVC containers (21 cm high x 20.8 cm in top diameter) at a soil nitrogen (N) level of: 150 mg N/L



Cao et al. (2008)

Well watered six-week-old seedlings subsequently grown for 90 more days in a 1:1 peat:vermiculite mixture in PVC containers (21 cm high x 20.8 cm in top diameter) at a soil nitrogen (N) level of: 220 mg N/L



Cao et al. (2008)

Well watered six-week-old seedlings subsequently grown for 90 more days in a 1:1 peat:vermiculite mixture in PVC containers (21 cm high x 20.8 cm in top diameter) at a soil nitrogen (N) level of: 290 mg N/L



Catovsky and Bazzaz (1999)

glasshouse, wet



Catovsky and Bazzaz (1999)

glasshouse, intermediate



Catovsky and Bazzaz (1999)

glasshouse, dry



Darbah et al. (2007)

Plants grown for four months from seeds harvested from young trees that had grown for several years in ambient and CO2-enriched air at the Rhinelander, Wisconsin (USA) FACE facility



Darbah et al. (2008)

Number of male flowers (roughly equivalent to male flower biomass) produced by trees that had grown in ambient and CO2-enriched air for eight years at the Aspen FACE facility in Rhinelander, Wisconsin (USA)



Darbah et al. (2008)

Number of male flowers (roughly equivalent to male flower biomass) produced by trees that had grown in ambient and CO2-enriched air for nine years at the Aspen FACE facility in Rhinelander, Wisconsin (USA)



Darbah et al. (2008)

Well watered plants grown for five months in pots in a greenhouse (filled with ambient air) from seed produced in ambient air and CO2-enriched air



Godbold et al. (1997)

glasshouse, roots



Godbold et al. (1997)

glasshouse, whole plant



Mattson et al. (2004)

Plants grown from seed for two 140-day growing seasons in well-watered and fertilized pots (6-L first season, 16-L second season) placed within FACE rings



Mattson et al. (2005)

Total plant biomass of well watered and fertilized one-year-old seedlings grown for a second season out-of-doors in 6-liter pots within the FACE II facility near Rhinelander, Wisconsin, USA



Parsons et al. (2003)

2-yr-old seedlings in 16-L pots in a glasshouse for four months



Tjoelker et al. (1998)

Average results of seedlings grown for three months in controlled environment chambers at day/night temperatures ranging from 21/15 to 30/24?C



Zhang et al. (2006)

Plants grown from seed for 3.5 months within greenhouses in pots containing 1:1 mixtures of peat moss and vermiculite under a high nutrient regime (100 ppm N, 44 ppm P, 83 ppm K)



Zhang et al. (2006)

Plants grown from seed for 3.5 months within greenhouses in pots containing 1:1 mixtures of peat moss and vermiculite under a low nutrient regime (10 ppm N, 4.4 ppm P, 8.3 ppm K)



Zhang et al. (2013)

Leaf biomass of new fully-expanded 4th or 5th leaves from the top of 3-month old seedlings growing in pots containing a 1:1 mix of peat moss and vermiculite maintained at low (L) nutrient levels located within four identical greenhouses



Zhang et al. (2013)

Leaf biomass of new fully-expanded 4th or 5th leaves from the top of 3-month old seedlings growing in pots containing a 1:1 mix of peat moss and vermiculite maintained at high (H = 10 L) nutrient levels located within four identical greenhouses



Zhang et al. (2013)

Root biomass of new fully-expanded 4th or 5th leaves from the top of 3-month old seedlings growing in pots containing a 1:1 mix of peat moss and vermiculite maintained at low (L) nutrient levels located within four identical greenhouses



Zhang et al. (2013)

Root biomass of new fully-expanded 4th or 5th leaves from the top of 3-month old seedlings growing in pots containing a 1:1 mix of peat moss and vermiculite maintained at high (H = 10 L) nutrient levels located within four identical greenhouses



Zhang and Dang (2007)

Well watered and fertilized one-year-old seedlings grown one to a pot (13.5 cm high, 11 cm diameter) filled with a 1:1 mixture of peat moss and vermiculite for four months (March-June) in greenhouses at low (7-10?C) soil temperatures



Zhang and Dang (2007)

Well watered and fertilized one-year-old seedlings grown one to a pot (13.5 cm high, 11 cm diameter) filled with a 1:1 mixture of peat moss and vermiculite for four months (March-June) in greenhouses at high (27-30?C) soil temperatures



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