Material in this section originates from the following category in our Subject Index:
Temperature (Urbanization Effects: Asia)
Urban Heat Island (Asia)
Material preceded by an asterisk (*) was posted after this subject summary was written and therefore is not included in the summary. This material will be integrated into the summary at a later date.
* -- Urbanization Effects in North China Land Surface Temperatures
* -- The Influence of Five Decades of Rapid Urbanization on Chinese Temperatures
* -- Urban Heat Islands of China
* -- Urban Heating in China's Shenzhen Economic Zone
* -- Extreme Temperature Occurrences in China: 1961-2008
* -- The Warming of South Korean Cities: 1954-2008
* -- Urban Warming vs. Global Warming in East China
* -- Global Warming and Urban Heat Islands
* -- Urban Warming in Jakarta, Indonesia
* -- Urban Heat Islands of North China
* -- The Urban Heat Islands of Beijing and Wuhan, China
* -- Land Use Changes and Surface Warming in Eastern China
The 1958-2000 Temperature History of the Tibetan Plateau
Urban Heat Islands of South Korea
Twenty-Nine Years of Warming in South Korea
The Urban Heat Island of Shanghai, China
Recent Dramatic Growth of Urban Heat Islands in China
Urban Heat Islands of South Korea
On Assessing Surface Air Temperature Trends
Non-Uniform and Discontinuous Warming in the Area of the Eastern Mediterranean