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A 6700-Year Temperature History of Northern Quebec-Labrador, Canada
Fallu, M.-A., Pienitz, R., Walker, I.R. and Lavoie, M.  2005.  Paleolimnology of a shrub-tundra lake and response of aquatic and terrestrial indicators to climatic change in arctic Quebec, Canada.  Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 215: 183-203.

What was done
The authors extracted a 99-cm sediment core from a shrub-tundra lake (Lake K2) in northern Quebec, Canada, which they analyzed in 1-cm increments for chironomid head capsules, diatoms and pollen, thereby revealing "environmental changes in greater detail than previously attained in paleoecological studies from northern Quebec-Labrador."

What was learned
After an initial increase in temperature that lasted from 6400 to 4900 cal. yr BP, a warm phase set in that lasted from 4900 to ca. 1500 cal. yr BP.  Fallu et al. say that the data they obtained from this latter portion of the sediment core "suggest the most stable paleoclimatic conditions during this period."  Then came what they call the "recent cooling," which lasted from "ca. 1500 cal. yr BP to modern time," during which interval they report that "lake water temperature apparently became increasingly unstable."

Commenting further on the final 1500-year cooling trend, because it "seems contradictory to the general global warming scenario," Fallu et al. state that "although this study was conducted at high sampling resolution, it was impossible to discern any recent warming trend that could be related to anthropogenic activities."  Indeed, they report that "the most striking similarity among all the reconstructions is evidence for a sustained cooling since around 1500 cal. yr BP," and to further emphasize this point they bluntly state once again that "no recent warming trend was detected."

What it means
For this particular part of the planet, the Mann et al. hockeystick has no blade.  Also in contradiction of climate-alarmist dogma, temperature variability in this region declines when the climate warms.  Hence, this high-northern-latitude location, which is where climate-alarmist predictions are supposed to be most readily detected (which is another point of dogma with them), would appear to be a real thorn in their side.

Reviewed 19 January 2005