300, 600 and 900 ppm Increases in the Air's CO2 Concentration:
For a more detailed description of this table, click here.
Coffea arabica [Coffee]
300 ppm
600 ppm
900 ppm
Number of Results |
Arithmetic Mean |
Standard Error |
Experimental Conditions
300 ppm
600 ppm
900 ppm
Avila et al. (2020) |
Net photosynthesis after approximately five months of CO2 fertilization between the hours of 0600 and 1800 in controlled-environment chambers under well-watered conditions; cv IAC 44
Avila et al. (2020) |
Net photosynthesis after approximately six months of CO2 fertilization between the hours of 0600 and 1800 in controlled-environment chambers under well-watered conditions; cv IAC 44
Avila et al. (2020) |
Net photosynthesis after approximately six and a half months of CO2 fertilization between the hours of 0600 and 1800 in controlled-environment chambers under well-watered conditions; cv IAC 44
Avila et al. (2020) |
Net photosynthesis after approximately seven months of CO2 fertilization between the hours of 0600 and 1800 in controlled-environment chambers under well-watered conditions; cv IAC 44
Avila et al. (2020) |
Net photosynthesis after approximately five and a half months of CO2 fertilization between the hours of 0600 and 1800 in controlled-environment chambers. Plants were well-watered for the first five months after with the soil water field capacity was reduced from near-capacity to 50% of capacity when these measurements were made; cv IAC 44
Avila et al. (2020) |
Net photosynthesis after approximately five and a half months of CO2 fertilization between the hours of 0600 and 1800 in controlled-environment chambers. Plants were well-watered for the first five months after with the soil water field capacity was reduced from near-capacity to 37.5% of capacity when these measurements were made; cv IAC 44
Avila et al. (2020) |
Net photosynthesis after approximately five and a half months of CO2 fertilization between the hours of 0600 and 1800 in controlled-environment chambers. Plants were well-watered for the first five months after with the soil water field capacity was reduced from near-capacity to 25% of capacity when these measurements were made; cv IAC 44
Avila et al. (2020) |
Net photosynthesis after approximately five and a half months of CO2 fertilization between the hours of 0600 and 1800 in controlled-environment chambers. Plants were well-watered for the first five months after with the soil water field capacity was reduced from near-capacity to 20% of capacity when these measurements were made; cv IAC 44
DaMatta et al. (2015) |
Two cultivars (cv. Catuai Vermelho IAC 144 and cv. Obata IAC 1669-20) of young coffee trees grown out-of-doors in the ClimapestFACE facility located in Jaguariuna, Brazil, for which rates of photosynthesis were measured in February
DaMatta et al. (2015) |
Two cultivars (cv. Catuai Vermelho IAC 144 and cv. Obata IAC 1669-20) of young coffee trees grown out-of-doors in the ClimapestFACE facility located in Jaguariuna, Brazil, for which rates of photosynthesis were measured in August
Ghini et al. (2015) |
Daily mean net photosynthesis obtained during the height of the growing season in the second year of a FACE system experiment, cv Catuaí
Ghini et al. (2015) |
Daily mean net photosynthesis obtained during the winter season in the second year of a FACE system experiment, cv Catuaí
Ghini et al. (2015) |
Daily mean net photosynthesis obtained during the height of the growing season in the second year of a FACE system experiment, cv Obatã
Ghini et al. (2015) |
Daily mean net photosynthesis obtained during the winter season in the second year of a FACE system experiment, cv Obatã
Ramalho et al. (2013) |
Photosynthesis of well watered and fertilized potted plants (cultivar Catucai IPR 108) 1.5 years old grown for one additional year in 12-L pots in walk-in growth chambers
Ramalho et al. (2013) |
Photosynthesis of well watered and fertilized potted plants (cultivar Icatu) 1.5 years old grown for one additional year in 12-L pots in walk-in growth chambers
Sanches et al. (2020) |
Average photosynthesis during summer months; cv Red Catuai-IAC-144
Sanches et al. (2020) |
Average photosynthesis during winter months; cv Red Catuai-IAC-144