Not All Coral Bleaching Is Bad: Some, in fact, is good.
Journal Reviews
Black Carbon at the Top of the World: A 140-year ice-core record from Mt. Everest suggests that black carbon, primarily from the burning of biofuels, may be hastening the melting of Himalayan glaciers.
Model Assessments of Warming-Induced Changes in the Frequency of Northern Hemisphere Summer Cyclones: How consistent are the projections obtained from sixteen state-of-the-art climate models?
Nine Centuries of Warm-Season Temperatures in West-Central Scandinavia: When were they the warmest of all?
The Terrestrial Carbon Balance of East Asia: How has it varied over the past century?
Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment and the Growth of Corn Under Various Degrees of Water Stress: How does the former affect the latter?
Growth Responses of Populus euphratica Trees to Concomitant Changes in Groundwater Depth and Atmospheric CO2 Content: As groundwater depth declines and riparian trees find it more difficult to obtain the water they need to survive, are the positive effects atmospheric CO2 enrichment enhanced or diminished?
Medieval Warm Period Project
This issue's Medieval Warm Period Record comes from the Eastern Norwegian Sea.
Ocean Acidification Database
The latest addition of peer-reviewed data archived to our database of marine organism responses to atmospheric CO2 enrichment is Toothed Wrack [Fucus serratus]. To access the entire database, click here.