The Carbon Sink of an Old-Growth Forest in China: Old trees are breaking old notions ... and they're doing it with a vengeance.
Journal Reviews
Sea Level Rise Around Mainland Australia: Is it accelerating, decelerating or holding steady?
Tropical Cyclones of the North Indian Ocean: Did they increase or decrease in frequency or ferocity -- or did they remain about the same -- as the region and world warmed between 1901 and 2007?
Precipitation Events in Northern New England, USA: Are they becoming more extreme?
Coral Disease in a Warmer World: How much worse can it get?
Evolutionary Responses of a C3 Perennial Herb to Elevated CO2: Do they occur?
The Response of High Arctic Tundra to Long-Term Warming: One would expect to see enhanced biological activity, right?
Medieval Warm Period Project
This issue's Medieval Warm Period Record comes from the South End of Makassar Strait, Indo-Pacific Warm Pool.
Ocean Acidification Database
The latest addition of peer-reviewed data archived to our database of marine organism responses to atmospheric CO2 enrichment is Oarweed [Laminaria digitata]. To access the entire database, click here.