Thoughts on Species' Abilities to Survive Rapid Climate Change: Are earth's plants and animals more capable of coping with the potential problem of rapid global warming than the IPCC suggests they are?
Journal Reviews
Predicting Future Climate: How Good Are Today's Models?: Are we "there" yet?
The Case for a Quasi Sixty-Year North Atlantic Temperature Oscillation: What does the result imply about the sources and magnitude of historical global warming?
Earth's Marine Life Not Going "Quietly Into the Night" of Ocean Acidification: Life in the earth's oceans may be threatened by declining seawater pH, but the crafty organisms don't just sit there and take it; they alter the character of the microenvironment that surrounds them in ways that help them to live long and prosper.
Old Growth Forests of Northeast China: Are they wasting away? ... or are they still sequestering carbon?
Heat and Death in Vienna, Austria: Is the former producing more of the latter as time progresses?
Ocean Acidification Database
The latest addition of peer-reviewed data archived to our database of marine organism responses to atmospheric CO2 enrichment is Serpent Star [Ophiura ophiura] (Average arm regeneration rate of serpent stars that lost 40 mm of an arm length from Wood et al., 2010). To access the entire database, click here.