Does Too Little Nitrogen and Too Much Ozone Cancel the Benefits of the Aerial Fertilization Effect of Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment?: It has long been claimed they do. But do they?
Subject Index Summary
Coral Reefs (Bleaching - Responses: Symbiont Shuffling): Climate alarmists typically decry the bleaching of corals that often follows periods of anomalous warmth at various places around the globe. In doing so, however, they malign the very phenomenon that enables corals to "reinvent" themselves and adapt to global warming.
Journal Reviews
Extreme Temperature Occurrences in China: 1961-2008: How have they changed? ... and to what extent have the changes been driven by urbanization?
Major Extreme Climatic Events in China: 1956-2009: How have they changed in a CO2-enriched and warming world?
Extreme Snow Events Throughout Central and Southern China: Were they more or less frequent in warm or cold periods of the past 500 years?
Effects of Environmental Changes on Eco-Evolution in Animals: Are they highly unlikely? ... or are they next to inevitable?
Effects of Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment on Oceanic Carbon and Nitrogen Fixation: Will they help or harm the ability of earth's oceans to thrive biologically?
Effects of Elevated CO2 on Growth Rates of Three Coccolithophores: How are they impacted by the ocean-acidifying demonic gas?
Medieval Warm Period Project
The latest Medieval Warm Period Record comes from the Aral Sea.
Ocean Acidification Database
The latest addition of peer-reviewed data archived to our database of marine organism responses to atmospheric CO2 enrichment is Purple Sea Urchin [Strongylocentrotus purpuratus] (Stumpp et al., 2011b). To access the entire database, click here.