Global Warming Fosters High-Latitude Cooling???: Whereas CO2-induced global warming has for decades been predicted to be amplified in earth's high latitudes, it is now being suggested (by some) that it cools those regions.
Subject Index Summary
Extreme Temperatures (Asia): One of the projected negative consequences of global warming is a concomitant increase in climatic variability, including more frequent hot weather events. It is a relatively easy matter to either substantiate or refute such claims by examining trends of extreme temperatures over the past century or so; because if global warming has truly been occurring at an unprecedented rate over the past hundred years, as climate alarmists claim it has, temperature variability and extreme temperature events should be increasing, according to them. Therefore, this review investigates this issue as it pertains to locations in Asia.
Journal Reviews
Global Warming: Does It Promote or Hinder Peace?: A new study has an intriguing answer to this important question.
The Ability of Marine Turtles to Adapt to Warmer Environments: It appears to be greater than has long been thought possible.
Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment: Working Wonders in the Plant Root Zone: There are more plant benefits of rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations than what meet the eye.
The "Dark Side" of Sugar-Cane Ethanol Production: A recent study suggests that the air of countries going green may not be so clean ... or healthy!
Impacts of Recurrent Estuarine Acidification on Wild Invertebrates: How debilitating are they?
Ocean Acidification Database
The latest addition of peer-reviewed data archived to our database of marine organism responses to atmospheric CO2 enrichment is Phytoplankton Community. To access the entire database, click here.