Northern Scandinavian Temperatures: It's a Whole New Ball Game: Maximum latewood density data for the period 138 BC-AD 2006 confirm the greater warmth of the Medieval and Roman Warm Periods compared to that of the Current Warm Period.
Subject Index Summary
Extreme Temperatures (Other Areas): Contrary to the contention of the IPCC, real-world data from various locations around the world demonstrate that global warming is often accompanied by a decrease in temperature extremes.
Journal Reviews
Snowfall and Snow Depth in Switzerland: Have the two measures of precipitation in the form of snow been increasing or decreasing over the past eight decades?
A New Record of Late Holocene Climate at the Antarctic Peninsula: Does it reveal the occurrence of the Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age within the same timeframe as that observed in the Northern Hemisphere?
Methane-Eating Microbes of Tibetan-Plateau Meadows: A new study examines the effects of warming and animal grazing on concentrations of the potent greenhouse gas.
Probing Ecosystem Resilience to Climate Change in Arctic-Alpine Plants: How was it done? ... and what did it reveal?
Carbon and Nitrogen in the Soil of a Sweetgum Plantation after Eleven Years of Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment: How were their concentrations impacted?
Medieval Warm Period Project
The latest Medieval Warm Period Record comes from Jenny Lake, Southwest Yukon Territory, Canada.
Ocean Acidification Database
The latest addition of peer-reviewed data archived to our database of marine organism responses to atmospheric CO2 enrichment is Purple Sea Urchin [Paracentrotus lividus]. To access the entire database, click here.