U.S. Climate Change and Its 20th-Century Biological Consequences: The findings of a new study imply that climate-alarmist projections of future species extinctions may be overly pessimistic.
Subject Index Summary
Methane (Atmospheric Concentrations): Atmospheric methane's contribution to anthropogenic climate forcing is estimated to be about half that from CO2 when both direct and indirect components of its forcing are summed; and model projections of future climate change generally all project an increase in atmospheric CH4 for at least the next 3 decades, with many of the scenarios predicting large increases through the 21st century. Thus, it is important to compare these projections with relevant observations; and when this is done, likely future increases in atmospheric methane fall far short of what has long been predicted.
Journal Reviews
How Well Do Climate Models Mimic Atmospheric Teleconnections?: A recent study of the subject provides the answer.
One Hundred and One Years of Netherlands' Windstorms: Have they become more or less damaging over the past century of "unprecedented" global warming?
The Rise of Dengue Fever in Non-Endemic Argentina: What factors have promoted it?
A Polar Dinoflagellate that Can Really Take the Heat: Which is it? ... and just how large an instantaneous temperature increase can it tolerate?
Flowers & Fruit of Peppers in a High-Temp & CO2-Enriched World: Which of the two atmospheric properties is likely to predominate - and thereby either help or hurt Habanero peppers - under environmental conditions typically predicted for the future?
Australian Fairy Shrimp Responding to Environmental Changes: They appear to possess the genetic information they need to appropriately alter their own natures and thereby survive the environmental challenges they have both faced and are currently facing.
Ocean Acidification Database
The latest addition of peer-reviewed data archived to our database of marine organism responses to atmospheric CO2 enrichment is Foraminifera [Marginopora rossi]. To access the entire database, click here.