Canadian and U.S. Droughts of the Medieval Warm Period: What do they imply about the current and future state of the world's climate?
Subject Index Summary
Tropical Cyclones (Atlantic Ocean - Global Warming Effects: Frequency, The Past Few Centuries): Has the warming of the past century, which rescued the world from the extreme cold of the Little Ice Age, led to the yearly formation of more numerous Atlantic Basin tropical storms and hurricanes? This question is investigated here via a brief review of several studies that have broached this question with sufficiently-long databases to provide reliable answers.
Journal Reviews
Cloud Ice Water Content & Cloud Ice Water Path in CMIP5 GCMs: How well do their model representations represent real-world observations?
A History of Drought in the Southern United States Since 1895: How did it change during the Little Ice Age-to-Current Warm Period transition?
Model Simulations of Climatic Effects of Volcanic Eruptions: The most recent analysis of the most up-to-date global climate models suggests that they are still not up to the task that is required of them.
Coral Resilience to Ocean Acidification and Global Warming: How is it accomplished?
Reclaiming Cadmium-Contaminated Soil with Poplars and Willows: A new study investigates the possibilities.
Planktonic Marine Microbes: How do they respond to ocean acidification?
Ocean Acidification Database
The latest addition of peer-reviewed data archived to our database of marine organism responses to atmospheric CO2 enrichment is Red Seaweed [Hypnea spinella]. To access the entire database, click here.