Coral Microbial Communities Along a Natural pH Gradient: How low can the pH gradient go ... and coral microbial communities still survive?
Subject Index Summary
Floods (Europe): In spite of climate-alarmist claims to the contrary, there do not appear to have been any increases in either floods or properly-adjusted flood damages throughout all of Europe over the past few decades, which climate alarmists contend was the warmest of the past thousand or more years. In fact, real-world data indicate that, in many instances, just the opposite has occurred.
Journal Reviews
The Middle and Late Holocene in Central European Russia: How did their temperatures compare with those of "the present"?
Modeling the Link Between ENSO and North Australian SSTs: How much have the CMIP5 models improved over the CMIP3 models?
The Reproduction of a Key Arctic Copepod in Low-pH Seawater: Can copepods cope with the CO2-concocted challenge?
Drought-Induced Oxidative Stress in Grassland Plants: How is it impacted if the air's CO2 content and temperature are higher than they are today?
Yellow Sugarcane Aphids in a CO2-Enriched and Warmer World: How would they fare compared to how they do today?
Pests of Pests of Blue Willow Trees in a Potentially Warmer World: How does the first and smallest of the three-trophic-level consortium affect the larger two as temperatures rise?
Medieval Warm Period Project
The latest Medieval Warm Period Record comes from the Monsoon Belt of the Tropical Andes and SE Brazil.
Ocean Acidification Database
The latest addition of peer-reviewed data archived to our database of marine organism responses to atmospheric CO2 enrichment is Foraminifera [Amphistegina radiata]. To access the entire database, click here.