The Neoglacial Record of Montana's Glacier National Park: What does it reveal about the nature of 20th-century global warming?
Subject Index Summary
Drought (North America - United States: Central): The United States' Northern Great Plains is an important agricultural region of North America, providing a significant source of grain both locally and internationally. Because of its location, it is also susceptible to extreme droughts that tend to persist longer than in any other region of the country; and because of this fact, it is a good place to review the history of drought to determine if the region is presently experiencing a manifestation of the climate-alarmist claim that global warming will usher in a period of more frequent and intense drought.
Journal Reviews
Fifteen Millennia of Climate Change in the Middle Reaches of China's Yangtze Rive: How does the story told by the data compare with that of other studies of other areas? ... and what is that story?
A Two-Millennia Record of the South American Summer Monsoon: What does it imply about today's temperatures over the North Atlantic Ocean relative to those of the Medieval Warm Period?
The Little Ice Age in Antarctica: Conditions in the Ross Sea: What were they? ... and what do they imply?
The Adaptive Capacity of Sea Urchin Embryos to Ocean Warming and Acidification: Can they cope with the challenge of the climate-alarmist-predicted two-parameter-alteration of their watery environment?
Field-Scale Impacts of Elevated CO2 on the World's Major Crops: A new meta-analysis provides a good overview of the subject.
Winter Wheat Yields in a Warmer Yangtze Delta Plain of China: How would they likely compare with the region's winter wheat yields of today?
Ocean Acidification Database
The latest addition of peer-reviewed data archived to our database of marine organism responses to atmospheric CO2 enrichment is Foraminifera [Heterostegina depressa
]. To access the entire database, click here.