In Search of a CO2-Induced Increase in the Mean Rate-of-Rise of Global Sea Level: As more data become available, and as more researchers strive to decipher what those data imply, the search appears ever more futile.
Subject Index Summary
Precipitation (Variability: Europe): Climate alarmists contend that global warming is responsible for creating more frequent and greater extremes of various types of weather. This summary investigates this claim as it pertains to precipitation variability in Europe.
Journal Reviews
CMIP5 Model Representations of Cloud Vertical Structure: How good are they?
Low-Level Liquid-Containing Arctic Clouds: How well are they simulated by state-of-the-art climate models?
The Impact of Warming on the Ranges of Butterflies in Britain: Is it positive or negative? ... and why?
Genetic Variation of Grassland Species Across an Altitude Gradient: Is it sufficient to enable them to withstand being driven to extinction by rising temperatures?
Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment Increases Atmospheric Carbonyl Sulfide Uptake by Holm Oak and European Beech Trees: And why do we care about that? Read on!
The Net Effect of Simultaneous Increases in Air Temperature and CO2 Concentration on Plant Biomass Production: How does it compare with the individual effects of warming and atmospheric CO2 enrichment?
Medieval Warm Period Project
The latest Medieval Warm Period Record comes from Kong-B, Kongressvatnet, West Spitsbergen, Svalbard, Norway.
Ocean Acidification Database
The latest addition of peer-reviewed data archived to our database of marine organism responses to atmospheric CO2 enrichment is Red Seaweed [Hypnea spinella] growth (Pmax) after 16 days exposure to reduced pH conditions. To access the entire database, click here.