Expert Opinion is Still Just Opinion, and Not Necessarily the Truth: A wise woman reminds all of us about this most important fact of life.
Subject Index Summary
Carbon Sequestration (Soils): As the CO2 content of the air increases, nearly all of earth's plants respond favorably by increasing their photosynthetic rates and producing greater amounts of biomass. Invariably, this phenomenon leads to greater inputs of carbon to the soil in the form of roots, root exudates and senesced plant material. Much research has been conducted to determine if these biological inputs will increase the carbon sequestering abilities of soils, particularly if air temperatures rise, which has been predicted by some to enhance plant litter decomposition rates to the point that global warming may be exacerbated. Thus, we here summarize research results that have addressed this important subject.
Journal Reviews
Sea Level Consequences of Exceptional Glacial Meltwater Forcing: Does the latter phenomenon ramp up the rate-of-rise of the surface of the global ocean?
The Indo-Australian Monsoon in CMIP3 and CMIP5 Simulations: How well is it represented?
Modelling the Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation of the 20th-Century: How have things progressed in going from CMIP3 models to CMIP5 models?
Biological Soil Crusts Sequestering Carbon in Dryland Soils: How do they do it? ... and how much do they do when they do it?
Azooxanthellate Corals in a CO2-Enriched World of the Future: How could they possibly survive without any photosynthetic symbionts?
Embryonic Norway Lobsters in a Warmed and Acidified Ocean: What are the odds of their surviving the worst nightmare of the world's climate-alarmists?