Do Small Populations Inhibit a Species Adaptability to Warming? (31 July 2015)
An inquisitive pair of researchers studied this question as it applies to six early-life-history traits that are known to be related to the individual fitness of salmonids (fishes of the Salmonidae family that include salmon, trout, grayling, and whitefish)...
Salinity Stress in Bermudagrass? Atmospheric CO2 to the Rescue! (30 July 2015)
As shown in this study, elevated CO2 alleviates a salinity-induced depression of various physiological parameters in Bermudagrass and promotes "osmotic adjustment through accumulation of soluble sugars, proline, and glycine betaine under salinity stress"...
Plant Growth Database (30 July 2015)
Our latest result of plant growth responses to atmospheric CO2 enrichment obtained from experiments described in the peer-reviewed scientific literature is for Alecrim-do-campo (Mendes de Sa et al., 2014)...
Sea Level (Global Measurements) (29 July 2015)
Reams of real-world data, properly analyzed, provide convincing evidence that global sea level rise over the past century or so has been nowhere near as worrisome as the world's climate alarmists continue to claim it has been...
Errors in Modelling the South Indian Ocean Thermocline Dome (29 July 2015)
Reducing errors in CGCMs will improve climate simulation and prediction and increase confidence in their application for regional climate projection. But in light of the multiple problems that remain to be resolved -- and if past is prologue to the future -- that confidence may well be weakened, or possibly even shattered, before we're half-way there...
The Progressive Increase of the Urban Heat Island’s Influence on Temperature Records (28 July 2015)
The urban heat island's influence is not static. It changes over time and is likely inducing an ever-increasing warming bias on the temperature record, a bias that will only increase as the world's population continues to urbanize in the years and decades ahead. And, therefore, unless researchers routinely identify and remove this growing influence from the various temperature data bases used in global change studies, there will likely be a progressive overestimation of the influence of CO2 on the temperature record...
Subtropical Clouds and Meteorology in CMIP3 and CMIP5 Models (28 July 2015)
As time has progressed -- and as the climate-modelling enterprise has moved from CMIP3 to CMIP5 status -- some things have not improved. In fact, they have actually gotten a little worse...
A New Satellite-Derived Assessment of Net Continental CO2 Fluxes (27 July 2015)
Which continent is the greatest CO2 emitter? And which the greatest sequestering one? The answer may surprise you, and it presents a knotty problem for climate alarmists who are doing all they possibly can to get the nations of the Earth to come to a global agreement as to how to proceed to make the entire world a CO2-sequestering planet...
The State of Our Skill in Predicting Decadal-Scale Climate Change (24 July 2015)
It's clearly not so great. In fact, it's less than poor. And the study here reviewed gives a number of reasons why it seems destined to long remain the same...
The Impact of Ocean Acidification on Atlantic Herring Larvae (23 July 2015)
It would appear that Atlantic herring larvae may well be able to tolerate the degree of ocean acidification induced by an atmospheric CO2 concentration fully 4.5 times greater than that of today!...
Plant Growth Database (23 July 2015)
Our latest result of plant growth responses to atmospheric CO2 enrichment obtained from experiments described in the peer-reviewed scientific literature is for Pigeon Pea (Sreeharsha et al., 2015)...
Sea Ice (Antarctic) -- Summary (22 July 2015)
Despite the supposedly unprecedented increases in mean global air temperature and atmospheric CO2 concentration that the planet has experienced since the late 1970s, Antarctic sea ice extent has stubbornly refused to do what climate models say it should be doing, as it just keeps on growing...
Three Full Decades of CO2-Induced Vegetative Greening in China (22 July 2015)
The fossil fuel combustion that has resulted in the rise in atmospheric CO2 and enhanced nitrogen deposition over the past three decades has provided a great benefit to Chinese vegetation. Led primarily by the increase in CO2, that benefit has been more than sufficient to compensate for the negative effects of climate change that also occurred over that time period...
The Impacts of Elevated CO2 on Paddy Ecosystem C and N Status (21 July 2015)
A five-year FACE study of rice production in a paddy field in China reveals a host of both real-time and future benefits of atmospheric CO2 enrichment...
Climate Driven Range Shifts of 26 Tree Species in the United States (21 July 2015)
Upon examination of the data, the authors of this study concluded that observed patterns of range change "did not match the expected outcome of general poleward shifts under climate change," which real-world fact leaves one with the option of concluding that either (1) CO2-induced global warming does not lead to poleward tree species expansion, or that (2) there was not any significant global warming over the period of their study, or that (3) both of these possibilities are correct...
Model Biases Leading to a Double Intertropical Convergence Zone (17 July 2015)
The long and winding road of the ever-struggling climate modelling enterprise has led to a fairy-tale phenomenon known as the double intertropical convergence zone...
Plant Growth Database (16 July 2015)
Our latest result of plant growth responses to atmospheric CO2 enrichment obtained from experiments described in the peer-reviewed scientific literature is for Bell Pepper (Jang et al., 2014)...
Interactive Effects of CO2 and Salinity Stress on Plant Growth -- Summary (15 July 2015)
A review of the scientific literature that describes the findings of scientists who have done both laboratory and field research on the effects of atmospheric CO2 enrichment of plants suffering from salinity stress reveals the significant magnitude of the ameliorating effects of this most welcome phenomenon...
Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment Helps Foil Foliar Bacterial Pathogens (15 July 2015)
And it does so in tomato plants not only by reducing the stomata-mediated entry of P. syringae into their leaves, but by providing an additional means of counteracting the foliar bacteria...
Simulating the Rainfall Variability of the Asian Summer Monsoon (13 July 2015)
As is the case with so many other climate-modelling studies, the authors of this one conclude that a host of deficiencies need to be corrected before the models they analyzed are ready for real-world applications...
CMIP5 Models Struggle to Replicate 200 hPa Geopotential Height (13 July 2015)
A recent study comes up with a lengthy list of CMIP5 climate model shortcomings when it comes to forecasting future geopotential height fields...
Stewardship and Sustainable Development in a World of Rising Atmospheric CO2 Concentration: A Biblical Perspective on Humanity's Relationship to the Biosphere (10 July 2015)
Protecting the environment has become a key consideration in almost all that we do; for it is put forth as a self-evident fact that being good to the Earth is the only way to ensure that our children and grandchildren will inherit a world that provides equal or greater opportunities and resources than that in which we now live. But who decides what is right and what is wrong in this regard? For a sizable segment of earth's population, such answers are found in the Bible. Comprised of writings dating back thousands of years, this sacred book serves as an ethical compass for people of numerous faiths. It records historical events that reach back to the world's beginnings, and contains prophetic writings that foretell the world's future. But does the Bible cast any light on society's stewardship role with respect to the environment and the other forms of life with which we share the planet? This question must be seriously considered; for if it does, that light would be incredibly important, as it would have to be acknowledged as coming from God Himself. And who is better qualified to settle differences among earth's many life forms than He who created and placed them here?...
Mussels Better Protected from Sea Stars in a CO2-Enriched World (10 July 2015)
The hunted does not become the hunter, but it sure looks to become a tougher-to-get source of food by the end of this century, according to the results of an important new study of sea stars that feast on mussels...
Stress and Immune Effects of Climate Change on Painted Turtles (10 July 2015)
Not equipped to migrate long distances in search of better environs in a warming or cooling world, painted turtles may be able to take the heat or tolerate the cold in the case of a modestly changing climate...
Plant Growth Database (10 July 2015)
Our latest result of plant growth responses to atmospheric CO2 enrichment obtained from experiments described in the peer-reviewed scientific literature is for Faxon Fir (Li et al., 2015)...
Climate Change and Cultivar Renewal Determine Rice Yield Trends (8 July 2015)
Working together, both man and weather conditions have been shown to be responsible for the significant increase in rice production experienced throughout Northeast China over the past several decades. But which of the two factors has been - by far - the crop's most effective yield promoter?...
Rock Ptarmigan Demonstrate How to Beat the Heat by Avoiding It (8 July 2015)
Bird brains are a lot smarter than their derogative connotation in common usage would suggest...
Is Global Coral Bleaching Only Half as Bad as Has Been Believed? (6 July 2015)
A new study suggests that such may well be the case, where current coral reef surveys "may be overestimating the bleaching of M. cavernosa by nearly twofold"...
Reducing Local Environmental Stressors Can Help Marine Canopy Algae to Survive the Potential Negative Effects of Global Stressors (6 July 2015)
A true-life example of the "think globally, act locally" concept that has nothing but positive impacts for coastal communities that practice its principles as they apply to them...
Modelling the Air-Sea Coupling Over the North Atlantic Ocean (2 July 2015)
The task has proven rather difficult, with most models associated with the enterprise still failing to accomplish what must be done to achieve success...
Plant Growth Database (2 July 2015)
Our latest result of plant growth responses to atmospheric CO2 enrichment obtained from experiments described in the peer-reviewed scientific literature is for Potato (Aien et al., 2014)...
Plant Growth Database (2 July 2015)
Our latest result of plant growth responses to atmospheric CO2 enrichment obtained from experiments described in the peer-reviewed scientific literature is for Tomato (Mamatha et al., 2014)...
The Current Status of Modelling Arctic Summer Storm Tracks (1 July 2015)
After noting several shortcomings, the authors of this study conclude that "further clarification of those processes that influence storm-track activity over the Arctic is necessary for more reliable future projections of the Arctic climate"...