Six Months of Natural pH Fluctuations on the Heron Island Reef Flat (30 November 2016)
Until natural variability is properly replicated in OA experiments, the response of marine life to future declines in oceanic pH must be taken with a large grain of salt...
Rising Atmospheric CO2 Increases Soil Fungal Diversity (29 November 2016)
A meta-analysis reveals a positive relationship between the two variables that is enhanced the longer the duration of CO2 enrichment is applied...
Human Adaptation to Climate Change in France (28 November 2016)
Analysis of minimum mortality temperature and death data from 1968-2009 indicate French citizens have adapted to higher temperatures that have occurred over this 42-year period...
Plant Growth Database (23 November 2016)
Our latest posting of plant growth responses to atmospheric CO2 enrichment obtained from experiments described in the peer-reviewed scientific literature is for well-fertilized barley plants (cv, Bambina) grown in controlled environment chambers under a reduced (33% less) supply of water (Xie et al., 2016). To access the entire database, click here.
An Inverse Relationship Between Cancer Death Rates and County Temperature in Florida, USA (23 November 2016)
A statistical analysis reveals there is an average of 4.6 fewer cancer deaths per 100,000 persons in the state of Florida per a 1°F increase in average temperature...
Modelling Tropical Cyclones: The Seemingly Never-Ending Effort (22 November 2016)
Although much has been accomplished since the early efforts of the 1970s, modern models of tropical cyclones are still nowhere near where they need to be in order to be of much worth...
Mangrove Forests Can Reduce Acidification of Coastal Sea Water (21 November 2016)
And they will likely be able to do it better and better, as the atmosphere's CO2 concentration continues to rise and enhance their productivity...
An 850-Year Hydroclimatic History of Northwestern China (18 November 2016)
It reveals several interannual, inter-decadal and centennial cycles, but no trend suggestive of a recent influence of greenhouse gases...
Plant Growth Database (17 November 2016)
Our latest posting of plant growth responses to atmospheric CO2 enrichment obtained from experiments described in the peer-reviewed scientific literature is for Wheat (Wang et al., 2015). To access the entire database, click here.
CO2 Enrichment vs. the Negative Crop Impacts of Heat and Aridity (16 November 2016)
As stated in the title of their recent paper, Fitzherald et al.'s research findings clearly demonstrate that "elevated atmospheric [CO2] can dramatically increase wheat yields in semi-arid environments and buffer against heat waves"...
Effects of Elevated CO2 and Nutrients on the Growth of Mangroves (15 November 2016)
Another study of another plant species reveals a number of positive consequences of atmospheric CO2 enrichment...
Will Rising Temperatures Increase the Health Risk of Skin Cancer? (14 November 2016)
Although some have postulated they will, this study reveals they probably won't...
Plant Growth Database (11 November 2016)
Our latest posting of plant growth responses to atmospheric CO2 enrichment obtained from experiments described in the peer-reviewed scientific literature is for Corn (total plant dry matter 38 days after planting of well-watered and fertilized plants grown in controlled environment chambers under UV-B radiation stress; Wijewardana et al., 2016). To access the entire database, click here.
Modelling Precipitation Cycles Over Major Asian River Basins (10 November 2016)
The effort continues apace; but its findings continue to fall short of what is needed...
CO2 Enrichment of Air Boosts African Trees Water Use Efficiencies (9 November 2016)
Another example of one of a host of benefits conferred upon earth's vegetation by the ongoing rise in the atmosphere's CO2 concentration...
Two Thousand Years of Chinese Climate History: What It Tells Us (8 November 2016)
To truly comprehend the significance of climatic trends of the past few decades, it is necessary to know the nature of climatic trends of the past two millennia...
Half a Millennium of Droughts on Canada's Vancouver Island (7 November 2016)
What do the climatic reconstructions reveal about the nature of the region's most recent period of "severe" droughts?...
The Role of Solar Forcing in Australian Tropical Cyclone Activity (4 November 2016)
More evidence of the importance of the Sun in driving long-term changes in climate-this time in a tropical cyclone record...
Plant Growth Database (3 November 2016)
Our latest posting of plant growth responses to atmospheric CO2 enrichment obtained from experiments described in the peer-reviewed scientific literature is for Papaya (Cruz et al., 2016). To access the entire database, click here.
The Interaction of Elevated CO2, Drought and UV-B Stress on Maize (2 November 2016)
The more scientists identify the genotypes that are most responsive to atmospheric CO2 enrichment and least affected by environmental stresses, and the more farmers grow them, the more likely society will meet the growing maize demand that is looming on the temporal horizon...
The Impact of Ocean Acidification on Japanese Carpet Shell Clams (1 November 2016)
Declining seawater pH does not appear to negatively impact the physiological and biochemical response of this bivalve...