More Proof of a Biological Control on Coral Calcification (31 May 2018)
Yet another real-world study on in-situ corals reveals that corals can biologically manipulate their rates of aragonite precipitation (i.e., calcification) by actively raising both the pH and DIC of their calcifying fluid, which observation is a game-changing discovery in the field of ocean acidification research...
The Non Effects of Ocean Acidification on the Coral Microbial Community (30 May 2018)
An in situ experiment reveals that the composition of Porites microbial communities are "virtually unaffected" by the supposedly dreaded threat of ocean acidification...
Plant Growth Database (29 May 2018)
Our latest result of plant growth responses to atmospheric CO2 enrichment obtained from experiments described in the peer-reviewed scientific literature is for Rice (Kumar et al., 2017). To access the entire database, click here.
Positive Growth Response of a Marine Macroalgae to Ocean Acidification (28 May 2018)
A pH decline of up to 0.3 unit, which is projected to occur within the end of this century, will benefit the growth of this macroalgae. And those pCO2-induced benefits continue to increase out to a pH value of 6.0, corresponding to an atmospheric CO2 value of around 33,000 ppm!...
A 431-Year Record of Sea Surface Temperatures off Japan (25 May 2018)
Perhaps the most striking feature of this reconstruction is that, in the words of the paper's authors, it "does not show any significant long-term trend, only a slightly negative trend mainly driven by decreasing summer temperatures"...
Four Decades of Glacier Stability in East Antarctica (24 May 2018)
There has been no overall trend in glacier terminus positions for 135 outlet glaciers stretching across 1000 km of East Antarctic coastline since 1972, despite a large increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration...
A Brown Macroalgae that Benefits from Ocean Acidification and Warming (23 May 2018)
In the words of the authors of this study, "ocean acidification can interact with temperature and have beneficial effects on the accumulation of photoprotective carotenoids, as well as [stimulate] algal photosynthesis"...
Plant Growth Database (22 May 2018)
Our latest result of plant growth responses to atmospheric CO2 enrichment obtained from experiments described in the peer-reviewed scientific literature is for Barley (Szoboszlay et al., 2017). To access the entire database, click here.
Ocean Acidification and the Breeding Cycle of the Three-spined Stickleback (21 May 2018)
In a first-of-a-kind study examining an entire breeding cycle, the authors of this paper find no impact of elevated pCO2...
More Irrefutable Evidence of Small Island Stability In the Face of Climate Change (18 May 2018)
Results of this study provide, in the words of its authors, "new irrefutable evidences on the persistence of reef islands over the last decades." And that is great news for those small island States that are being brainwashed by climate alarmists into thinking their lands will drown and they will be climate change refugees in a matter of decades. It just isn't so!...
No Long-term Warming in a 300-Year Temperature Reconstruction for the Tibetan Plateau (17 May 2018)
Nothing unusual, unnatural or unprecedented is seen in this new proxy temperature reconstruction for the southeastern Tibetan Plateau...
Plant Growth Database (17 May 2018)
Our latest result of plant growth responses to atmospheric CO2 enrichment obtained from experiments described in the peer-reviewed scientific literature is for Thanle Cress (Jauregui et al., 2017). To access the entire database, click here.
Absence of a Warming Trend in a 244-year Chinese Temperature Reconstruction (17 May 2018)
Despite a 40 percent increase in atmospheric CO2, this new record from northeastern China reveals there is nothing unusual, unnatural or unprecedented about the warmth of the past few decades...
The Reproductive Tolerance of a Temperate Coral to Ocean Acidification (17 May 2018)
Even at seawater pH values representative of the most unlikely worst-case scenarios of ocean acidification, the solitary scleractinian coral Leptopsammia pruvoti appears quite tolerant in terms of its reproductive potential...
Comment on "Examination of space-based bulk atmospheric temperatures used in climate research" by Christy et al. (2018) (16 May 2018)
A just released peer reviewed Climate Science Research Report has once again proven that it is all but certain that EPA's basic claim that CO2 is a pollutant is totally false...
The Interactive Effects of Elevated CO2 and Drought on Grassland Species (11 May 2018)
Elevated CO2 mitigates the negative effects of extreme drought in both monoculture and mixed-species grassland communities...
Elevated CO2 Enhances the Physiological Performance of an Antarctic Diatom (10 May 2018)
As concluded by the authors of this study, their results reveal that "ocean acidification would be beneficial to the survival of this sea ice diatom strain, with broad implications for global carbon cycles in the future ocean"...
Disease Severity of Two Plant Pathogens Reduced by Elevated CO2 (9 May 2018)
Elevated CO2 induces direct immunological effects that enhance plant immunity, thereby fortifying them against destructive pathogen attacks...
Plant Growth Database (8 May 2018)
Our latest result of plant growth responses to atmospheric CO2 enrichment obtained from experiments described in the peer-reviewed scientific literature is for Tobacco (Ruiz-Vera et al., 2017). To access the entire database, click here.
Thailand Temperatures Not Behaving According to Climate Alarmists' Wishes (7 May 2018)
A new proxy reconstruction reveals a decline in temperatures since the mid-1980s, with current values approaching the lowest recorded in the 226-year record!...
Searching for an Anthropogenic Signal in East Coast Flood Events (4 May 2018)
Contrary to media reports that would suggest otherwise, anthropogenic global warming has had no impact whatsoever on the frequency and/or severity of U.S. East Coast flood events over the course of the past century...
The Greening of Sub-Saharan Africa (3 May 2018)
Over the period 1992-2011, woody vegetation has increased, thanks in large measure to rising atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations...
Assessing the Risk of Temperature-Related Mortality in the USA (2 May 2018)
An examination of records from 50 metropolitan areas reveals that the mean cumulative relative risk of mortality is higher for cold weather than hot weather, once again demonstrating that climate alarmists have it backwards when it comes to predicting the impact of global warming on human mortality...
Plant Growth Database (1 May 2018)
Our latest result of plant growth responses to atmospheric CO2 enrichment obtained from experiments described in the peer-reviewed scientific literature is for Rice (Thinh et al., 2017; dry weights during elevated summer temperatures). To access the entire database, click here.