The Mitigation of Cold Temperature Stress on Plants by Elevated CO2 (30 November 2018)
Not only does elevated CO2 help ameliorate the negative influence of high temperature stress on plants, it also reduces the negative impacts of cold temperature stress...
A Brachiopod's Twelve-Decade Response to Ocean Acidification and Warming (29 November 2018)
A novel experiment reveals the resilience of a presumed highly susceptible marine organism to ocean acidification and global warming, demonstrating the essential need to incorporate species' adaptation and/or acclimation potentials when predicting their responses to future climate change...
Six Centuries of River Runoff in the Yangtze River Basin (28 November 2018)
There is no indication that the 40 percent increase in atmospheric CO2 that has occurred over the past two centuries has had any influence on runoff of the Yangtze River basin. Its modern trends remain well within the range of natural variability and are most likely influenced by solar activity...
Plant Growth Database (27 November 2018)
Our latest result of plant growth responses to atmospheric CO2 enrichment obtained from experiments described in the peer-reviewed scientific literature is for Chinese Tallow Tree (Wang et al., 2018). To access the entire database, click here.
Elevated CO2 Does Not Alter Autumnal Leaf Abscission in Sugar Maple (26 November 2018)
According to the authors of this study, "future elevated CO2 is not going to affect autumnal phenology of A. saccharum Marsh through altering the length of the growing season directly, although the productivity increase [over the growing season] should be considered carefully in a prediction of forest sink capacity"...
Plant Growth Database (23 November 2018)
Our latest result of plant growth responses to atmospheric CO2 enrichment obtained from experiments described in the peer-reviewed scientific literature is for Pepper (Individual fruit weight at harvest; Li et al., 2017). To access the entire database, click here.
Plant Growth Database (22 November 2018)
Our latest result of plant growth responses to atmospheric CO2 enrichment obtained from experiments described in the peer-reviewed scientific literature is for Rice (Wang et al., 2018). To access the entire database, click here.
The Recovery of Three Caribbean Corals Following a Simulated Bleaching Event (21 November 2018)
It would appear that corals in this region are highly resilient to temperature-induced bleaching, as demonstrated by the full recovery of the three key Caribbean species examined in this study...
Plant Growth Database (20 November 2018)
Our latest result of plant growth responses to atmospheric CO2 enrichment obtained from experiments described in the peer-reviewed scientific literature is for Thale Cress (Fernandez et al., 2018). To access the entire database, click here.
Recent Observations of Temperature-related Mortality in India (19 November 2018)
Cold temperatures pose a far greater human mortality risk, killing considerably more people than do warm temperatures...
The Stimulation of Global Terrestrial Gross Primary Production by Humanity's Enrichment of the Atmosphere's CO2 Concentration (16 November 2018)
Rising atmospheric CO2 is identified as the key driver behind a 34-year trend of increasing global terrestrial gross primary production, beating out all other potential influences by a factor of five or more!...
Elevated CO2 Compensates for Growth Declines Induced by Ammonium Toxicity in Sweet Pepper Plants (15 November 2018)
Elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations are able to totally ameliorate dry weight declines induced by ammonium toxicity in sweet pepper plants...
The Effect of Temperature and Elevated CO2 on an Agricultural Pest (14 November 2018)
Damage caused by the South American tomato moth will likely be reduced in the future, thanks in large measure to a higher mortality and longer development time induced by elevated CO2 that will weaken the fitness and effectiveness of this pest...
Plant Growth Database (13 November 2018)
Our latest result of plant growth responses to atmospheric CO2 enrichment obtained from experiments described in the peer-reviewed scientific literature is for Spinach (Seo et al., 2017). To access the entire database, click here.
Proof that Corals are Adapting to Warming Temperatures (12 November 2018)
Identical studies conducted nearly five decades apart under "identical methodology, location, seawater system, and observer" reveal that alarmist predictions of an ensuing collapse and end to coral reefs from rising global temperatures should not be taken too seriously...
The Effects of Elevated CO2 on the Nutritional Quality of Vegetables (9 November 2018)
A new meta-analysis reveals that CO2-induced plant nutritional enhancements far outweigh any CO2-induced plant nutritional declines. Thus, it can reasonably be concluded that rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations will yield future health benefits to both human and animal plant consumers...
The Impact of Elevated CO2 and Temperature on Wheat Powdery Mildew Disease (8 November 2018)
If temperatures and/or the atmosphere's CO2 concentration rise in the future, the negative impacts of wheat powdery mildew disease on wheat production will be reduced. And that reduction will help to curtail the wheat production demands of the ever-growing global population...
Ocean Acidification and Warming Benefit an Arctic Primary Producer (7 November 2018)
Clearly, many marine species will benefit and thrive under future climate change scenarios, as illustrated by the picoeukaryote examined here...
Plant Growth Database (6 November 2018)
Our latest result of plant growth responses to atmospheric CO2 enrichment obtained from experiments described in the peer-reviewed scientific literature is for Pepper (Individual fruit weight at harvest; Li et al., 2017). To access the entire database, click here.
A Six-Decade Analysis of Growing Season Temperature Change in Illinois (5 November 2018)
It would appear that climate alarmists have got it backwards, for not only has the extra CO2 that has been added to the atmosphere during this time period directly stimulated crop production and yield, it has also likely induced an era of more favorable growing season temperatures. And that is a win-win situation for ensuring the future food security of the planet!...
The Impact of Elevated CO2 on Plant-Insect Interactions (2 November 2018)
A combination of three experiments reveal that elevated CO2 has no overall impact on the relationship between a predatory hoverfly, its herbivore prey (an aphid), and an herbivore-infected plant...
The Resilience of Juvenile Rockfish to Ocean Acidification and Hypoxia (1 November 2018)
Being regularly exposed to large fluctuations in pCO2 and dissolved oxygen (DO) levels in their natural seagrass bed environment, rockfish have likely developed adaptive strategies to cope with broad ranges of pCO2 and DO levels that are predicted to occur in the future...