Temperature Record of the Week
This issue's Temperature Record of the Week is from Norfolk, Virginia. Visit our U.S. Climate Data section to plot and view these data for yourself.
Current Editorial
Sound the Alarm Bells!: No, it's not climate change we're worried about; it's climate chicanery, which is truly unprecedented in terms of its current magnitude and the rate at which it appears to be intensifying.
Subject Index Summaries
Desertification: A review of the recent literature shows no widespread desertification has occurred in the African Sahel for the past several decades, due in large part to the beneficial effects of the ongoing rise in the air's CO2 content.
Solar Radiation As a Cause of Coral Bleaching: Numerous laboratory and field studies implicate intense solar radiation as a causative factor in coral bleaching.
Current Journal Reviews
Storm Surges Decline Along New Zealand Coast: Contrary to climate alarmist predictions of increased storminess and coastal erosion as the globe's air temperature rises, real-world data from New Zealand suggest that just the opposite appears to occur "down under."
Our Oscillating Climate: A Natural Phenomenon: Abundant evidence demonstrates that earth's climate oscillates naturally between Little Ice Age and Medieval Warm Period conditions on a time scale that suggests the planet should currently be warming. For climate alarmists to thus attribute, as they do, the modest temperature increase of the past century or so to anthropogenic CO2 emissions is truly disingenuous.
The Fluctuating Water Supply of the Colorado River Basin: A new approach to streamflow and regional water supply reconstruction based on tree-ring data reveals the existence of a near-centennial return period of extreme drought in the Upper Colorado River Basin, demonstrating how dramatic climate changes of the type predicted by climate alarmists can readily occur without any help from global warming.
Long-Term Effects of Elevated CO2 on Woody Shrubs: Lifelong exposure of three Mediterranean shrubs to elevated CO2 resulted in significant enhancements of leaf turgor pressure, thereby allowing them to better deal with periods of drought stress.
Global Warming Non-Effects on a Subalpine Ecosystem: Even without the many biological benefits of atmospheric CO2 enrichment, artificially heated sections of a subalpine meadow ecosystem suffered absolutely no adverse consequences of the type predicted by climate alarmists to accompany global warming.