Temperature Record of the Week
This issue's Temperature Record of the week is from Chelsea, Vermont. Visit our U.S. Climate Data section to plot and view these data for yourself.
Current Editorial
CO2, Temperature and Biodiversity: What are the principles that link them together?
Subject Index Summaries
Antarctica (Temperature): Are temperatures in Antarctica moving to the rhythm of the climate alarmist drummers?
Water Use Efficiency (Grassland Species): A review of the recent literature demonstrates that earth's grasslands will likely exhibit large increases in water-use efficiency as the air's CO2 content continues to rise, thereby enabling the plants that comprise them to better cope with drought stress and grow in regions that are currently too dry for them.
Current Journal Reviews
The Arctic Oscillation, ENSO and U.S. Winter Temperatures: How do the positive and negative phases of these two important modes of Northern Hemispheric climate variability affect the occurrence of extreme daily wintertime air temperatures throughout the United States?
Two Thousand Years of Chinese Climate: Was 20th-century warming in China unprecedented? Was it preceded by a Little Ice Age, which was preceded by a Medieval Warm Period, which was preceded by a Dark Ages Cold Period, which was preceded by a Roman Warm Period? If so, one might be well advised to start thinking cyclical.
Effects of Global Change on Merkus Pine: The Merkus pine - widely scattered across southeast Asia - is the only native Pinus species found south of the equator. How will this important species fare with future increases in the air's CO2 content and possible increases in ambient air temperature?
Rising CO2 Concentrations and European Trees: How will the latter respond to the former as the air's CO2 content continues to climb?
Effects of Super-Elevated CO2 Concentrations on a CAM Plant: Elevated CO2 concentrations increase the growth of nearly all plants, 95% of which are of the C3 variety. So how do CAM plants fare? And what happens if the air's CO2 content is massively increased ... by 30- to 300-fold?