Temperature Record of the Week
This issue's Temperature Record of the week is from Columbus, Indiana. Visit our U.S. Climate Data section to plot and view these data for yourself.
Current Editorial
Signs of A Potentially-Powerful CO2-Induced Negative Climate Feedback Phenomenon: Recent analyses of ice-core chemical data suggest there has been a 30% increase in the air's carbonyl sulfide (COS) concentration over the course of the Industrial Revolution. We demonstrate that the COS increase is a linear function of the concomitant increase in the air's CO2 concentration, laying a foundation for further investigations of what could be a potentially-powerful COS-induced climatic counterforce to contemporaneous increases in atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations.
Subject Index Summaries
Antioxidants: A review of the relevant scientific literature indicates that elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations reduce the negative impacts of mild environmental stresses on plants, thereby reducing their need to maintain unduly high concentrations and/or activities of antioxidative enzymes under such conditions. When stresses become more severe, however, higher levels of atmospheric CO2 enable plants to produce greater quantities of more highly-activated antioxidants to counter the deleterious consequences of the stresses.
Growing Season: Is the length of the growing season changing; and, if it is changing, is global warming the cause?
Current Journal Reviews
Trends in Southern Ocean Sea-Ice Season: Just how short has the sea-ice season at the bottom of the world become over what climate alarmists claim to be the period of most dramatic global warming of the past millennium?
Tropical Cyclones in a Warmer World: The authors of this modeling study note that "from a simple thought, it is expected that the increase in atmospheric moisture due to the global warming may lead to an increase in the intensity, and frequency of tropical cyclones." But, they ask, "Is this simple thought true?"
Long-Term Effects of Elevated CO2 on a Loblolly Pine Ecosystem: Trees often exhibit greatly-enhanced rates of growth and biomass production when initially exposed to greater concentrations of atmospheric CO2. But will they continue to display these positive responses over the course of several years? That is the question addressed in this study of loblolly pine trees.
Effects of Elevated CO2 on Water-Stressed Peach Seedlings: Well-watered trees typically exhibit enhanced rates of photosynthesis and biomass production when exposed to greater concentrations of atmospheric CO2. But what happens when their access to water is less than optimal?
Does Elevated CO2 Cause Genotypic Selection in Perennial Grasses?: There's only one way to know for sure: check out its potential to do so experimentally, which is exactly what was done in this study of fourteen genotypes of two such species.