Temperature Record of the Week
This issue's Temperature Record of the week is from Winnemucca, Nevada. Visit our U.S. Climate Data section to plot and view these data for yourself.
Current Editorial
Anthropogenic CO2 Emissions May Reduce Tropospheric Ozone and Methane Concentrations, Providing Multiple Benefits to the Biosphere: A remarkable experiment conducted at Columbia University's Biosphere 2 Center near Oracle, Arizona has produced stunning results that demonstrate the virtue of allowing the ongoing rise in the air's CO2 content to continue its upward course.
Subject Index Summaries
Birds: Climate alarmists often contend that CO2-induced global warming will result in the extinction of a number of bird species. A brief review of some of the recent relevant literature, however, suggests a much more optimistic outcome.
Water Stress x CO2 Effects on Plants (Grassland Species): A review of some of the recently published relevant literature indicates that grassland species will likely respond to increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations by exhibiting enhanced rates of photosynthesis and biomass production, even under conditions of low soil moisture availability.
Current Journal Reviews
The Urban CO2 Dome of Kuwait City, Kuwait: Several years of hourly atmospheric CO2 concentration measurements at a suburban site within the growing metropolitan area of Kuwait City are analyzed and compared with similar data obtained over the past few years at a suburban site within the growing metropolitan area of Phoenix, Arizona.
From Whence Comes Phoenix, Arizona's Urban CO2 Dome?: There are many sources of CO2 emissions to the atmosphere within the confines of any large city. Is there one that stands head and shoulders above all the rest? Data from Phoenix, Arizona point to a likely candidate.
Biodiversity Increases in Norwegian Mountains as the Region Recovers from the Global Chill of the Little Ice Age: And if we are going to preserve this increase in species richness, we are gong to have to stop trying to reduce the atmospheric burden of carbon dioxide.
Response of Tropical Vines to Elevated CO2 in Deep Shade: Elevated CO2 nearly always increases plant growth under optimal light conditions. But will it stimulate the growth of tropical vines at low light intensities representative of the forest understory?
Effects of Variable CO2 Concentration and Light Intensity on Photosynthesis in Winter Wheat: Elevated CO2 often increases the photosynthetic rates of upper-canopy leaves in winter wheat fields. But does it do anything positive for shaded leaves deep within the crop canopy?