Temperature Record of the Week
This issue's Temperature Record of the week is from Buckhannon, West Virginia. Visit our U.S. Climate Data section to plot and view these data for yourself.
On the Number of Deaths Attributed to the European Heat Wave of 2003: At the time of its occurrence, the spate of unusually high temperatures was said by many to have caused unprecedented mortality across the continent and to portend a far greater future loss of life if the air's CO2 content continued its upward climb. As more reasoned analyses begin to appear, however, these early hasty claims are beginning to rapidly unravel.
Subject Index Summaries
Precipitation (Variability): Would further warming of the world lead to more extremes of precipitation, as climate alarmists routinely proclaim? A look at the past gives us a glimpse of the future.
Nutrients x CO2 Effects on Plants (Nitrogen - Agricultural Crops: Wheat): How does the degree of soil nitrogen availability impact the aerial fertilization effect of atmospheric CO2 enrichment on wheat production?
Journal Reviews
Seven Decades of Snow in the Swiss Alps: What do they tell us about climate change? And what do they tell us about the IPCC?
Four Centuries of Climate Change in Nepal: What does the new and "best yet" temperature record from the High Asia region indicate about the "unprecedented" warming of the 20th century?
Cyclical Environmental Change Depicted in Lake Sediments of East Africa: How does this environmental oscillation compare with the climatic oscillation that is evident in northern marine and ice core records?
Semi-Natural Grassland Responses to Elevated CO2: One can probably guess how the quantity of the ecosystem's forage is affected. But what about its quality?
CO2 Effects on Acorn Production in Oak Trees: How similar are they to CO2 effects on overall biomass production?