Temperature Record of the Week
This issue's Temperature Record of the week is from Bowling Green, Kentucky. Visit our U.S. Climate Data section to plot and view these data for yourself.
Avalanches of the French Alps: What can they tell us about the climate-alarmist claim that 20th-century warming was primarily a response to anthropogenic CO2 emissions?
Subject Index Summaries
East Antarctic Ice Sheet: How stable is it?
Methane (Extractions from the Atmosphere): We outline some ways by which atmospheric CO2 enrichment and global warming are likely to lead to the removal of significant quantities of the powerful greenhouse-gas methane from earth's atmosphere..
Journal Reviews
Mass Balance of the Largest Ice Cap in the Eurasian Arctic: What has it been doing lately? Why has it been doing it? And what does the result imply about the future?
ENSO Activity Over the Mid to Late Holocene: What does it suggest about the climate-alarmist claim that global warming will bring the planet ever more ENSO events of ever greater strength?
Corn and CO2: What was learned in this important first-of-its-kind study to prompt the scientists who conducted it to call for "a reassessment of the established view that C4 photosynthesis is insensitive to elevated CO2 under favorable growing conditions and that the production potential of corn in the US Corn Belt will not be affected by the global rise in CO2?
Fifteen Years of Loblolly Pine Growth Across the Southeastern United States: What changes have been observed? … and to what might they be related?
Loblolly Pine Response to Ultra-High CO2 Concentrations: How high can CO2 go … and plants continue to grow … better than they do now?