Temperature Record of the Week
This issue's Temperature Record of the week is from Aiken, South Carolina. Visit our U.S. Climate Data section to plot and view these data for yourself.
Effects of Elevated CO2 on Mature Sweetgum Trees: Much More Than Meets the Eye: It's sometimes hard to see the forest for the trees; but it's even harder to see the forest for the ground that hides its roots.
Subject Index Summaries
Arctic (Sea Ice - Thickness): Have historical observations of the thickness of sea-ice in the Arctic shown any indications of the CO2-induced global warming that global climate models indicate, and climate alarmists claim, should be evident there?
Health Effects (Temperature - Hot Weather): The heat is on, and it is killing us, according to many climate alarmists. In reality, however, if the planet is indeed still warming, the rising temperatures are saving lives.
Journal Reviews
A 1200-Year History of Aridity in the Western United States: It tells us some important things about the past, as well as some important things about the future.
Medieval Drought in Peru (and Elsewhere): What Does It Tell Us about El Niņos and Medieval Temperatures?: It tells us something about the relationship between El Niņos and global warming, as well as something about the Mann et al. hockeystick temperature curve, both of which things must be unsettling to climate alarmists.
The Biological Production of Marine Aerosols: The process is extremely significant; but it has yet to be incorporated into the state-of-the-art climate models that are relied upon to guide policy development in the area of global climate change.
The Fate of Earth's Trees in a Rapidly Warming World: If the earth were to experience a warming of the rate and magnitude predicted by climate models, would many of the planet's trees be driven to extinction, as climate alarmists generally claim? Or would most of them be able to "take the heat" and successfully adapt to it?
Windborne Fungal Spores: What do they have to do with the spread of disease? And how is this relationship affected by the ongoing rise in the air's CO2 content?