Temperature Record of the Week
This issue's Temperature Record of the week is from Hiawatha, Utah. Visit our U.S. Climate Data section to plot and view these data for yourself.
A 2000-Year History of Climate Change in Alaska: What can it tell us about the climate-alarmist claim that 20th-century warming within the state is without precedent over the past two millennia and must therefore be due to CO2 emissions caused by the burning of fossil fuels?
Subject Index Summaries
Greenland (Temperature History): Located in high northern latitudes, Greenland should be the ultimate "poster child" of the canary family, providing a clear "early warning" of the CO2-induced increase in temperature that climate alarmists claim is a greater threat to the planet than either nuclear warfare or global terrorism. Is it doing its job?
Growth Response to CO2 with Other Variables (Disease): Can the ongoing rise in the atmosphere's CO2 concentration do anything to ameliorate the negative consequences of the various diseases that afflict the world's plants, including those maladies that weaken and kill the crops upon which we depend for our sustenance?
Journal Reviews
Eight Centuries of Moisture Extremes in the Eastern USA: Have moisture conditions, i.e., droughts and floods, been getting more extreme in this part of the world in response to the warming of the globe that produced the Little Ice Age to Modern Warm Period transition?
Precipitation History of the USA's Bighorn Basin: Climate alarmists claim that global warming leads to increases in all sorts of extreme weather, including precipitation and resulting droughts and floods. Is this true of the USA's Bighorn Basin?
A 1500-Year Climate History of the Carpathian Basin: The fruits of nearly half a century spent sleuthing about libraries, archives and heritage collections of Europe by a dedicated Hungarian meteorologist throw new light on the climate of the past millennium.
Old Aspen Forest Not Feeling Its Age: Are trees, like people (see Human Life Span in our Subject Index), exhibiting greater vitality in their old age than they did in the past, much to the surprise of those who have studied them over multiple decades?
CO2 vs. O3: Their Competing Effects on Aphid Defensive Behavior: How do increasing concentrations of carbon dioxide and ozone impact the ability of these little sap-suckers to evade pernicious predators?