Temperature Record of the Week
This issue's Temperature Record of the week is from Logan, UT. Visit our U.S. Climate Data section to plot and view these data for yourself.
Climate Models and the Sun-Climate Connection: Why the Two are Currently Incompatible: A well-known solar scientist writes about the failure of current climate models to produce the host of climatic responses to solar forcing that are evident in real-world instrumental and proxy climate data.
Subject Index Summaries
Conterminous United States Temperature Trends: How has the temperature of the conterminous United States varied over the past century or so?
Life Span (Animal): What determines the length of an animal's life, and what would it take to extend it?
Journal Reviews
Land Use Changes and Surface Warming in Eastern China: How much of the temperature increase experienced over the last four decades of the 20th century was a product of land use change?
Reconstructing 1000 Years of Precipitation in China: Are precipitation trends of the past two decades unprecedented in this region over the past millennium?
6500 Years of Asian Dust Flux: How has it varied over the past 6.5 millennia? And what has been responsible for its variation?
The Net Effect of Predicted CO2-Induced Climate Change and the Known Biological Benefits of High-CO2 Air on English and Welsh Wheat Yields: Will the change in yield be positive or negative at the mid-point of the current century?
Woody Plants Invading Grasslands: Effects on Soil Carbon Storage: What causes C3 trees to encroach upon C4 grasslands, what effect does this phenomenon have on carbon sequestration in soils, and why is it important? A new paper broaches all of these significant questions.