Temperature Record of the Week
This issue's Temperature Record of the week is from Colfax, CA. Visit our U.S. Climate Data section to plot and view these data for yourself.
More Evidence That Rising CO2 Concentrations May Be Causing "Biological Spring" to Occur Days Earlier Than in Decades Past: Climate alarmists would have one believe that only rising temperatures could cause the annual commencement of plant photosynthetic activity (and the animal activity that accompanies it) to begin increasingly earlier with each passing year. However, two new studies add to the evidence that direct physiological effects of atmospheric CO2 enrichment may play a role in this phenomenon as well.
Subject Index Summaries
Little Ice Age (Regional - Asia: India/Pakistan): What do proxy temperature data from the India/Pakistan region of Asia tell us about the climate-alarmist claim that the Little Ice Age was only a North Atlantic phenomenon?
Coral Reefs (Calcification): Will rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations consign corals to the ash heap of history by destroying their ability to construct calcareous skeletons?
Journal Reviews
Oceanic Transport of Heat: Deep vs. Shallow Circulation: Which predominates? And why is the answer important?
The Canadian Arctic's Recovery from the Little Ice Age: It's still a work in progress, having only just begun.
Climate Change in Svalbard: Riding the Rollercoaster: Do the temperature and glacial histories of Svalbard look anything like what climate models suggest they should in light of the historical rise in the air's CO2 concentration?
Soybean Pod Yield: Positive CO2 Effect vs. Negative O3 Effect: Which is most powerful?
Health Implications of Asian Dust Storms for People of Taiwan: What are they? And what does the atmosphere's CO2 concentration have to do with them?